Top Ten Tuesday | Most Anticipated Debut Novels for 2015 (& Some Non-debut Cos i Do What i Want)

By Mle_vnc @Backlist_Books

This week's Top Ten Tuesday on The Broke and the Bookish is: Top Ten Most Anticipated Debut Novels for 2015. I honestly haven't really started looking towards 2015 for new books from my favorite authors, let alone debuts! But now's as good a time to start as any. Let's see how many I can find!

The Girl On the Train by Paula Hawkins because I just finished it and you probably want to read this.
If I Fall, If I Die by Michael Christie because the author is not only Canadian, but used to be a pro skateboarder and went to my University. Win, win, win.
The First Bad Man by Miranda July because Lena Dunham said so.

Girl In A Band by Kim Gordon because I'm reading Patti Smith's Just Kids right now and GAWD.
Visitants by Dave Eggers because even though he's a seasoned author, this is his first book of travel writing.

Beyond the Pale by Emily Urquhart because not only is she the daughter of Canadian legend Jane Urquhart, but this book about albinism sounds fascinating.
Where Did You Sleep Last Night? - Lynn Crosbie because it's about a hospitalized boy who is possessed by the spirit of Kurt Cobain, and I'm a child of the '90s.
Not debut but still pretty exciting:

It's A Long Story by Willie Nelson because I've been watching Sonic Highways and he seems like a pretty cool dude.
In the Unlikely Event by Judy Blume because I finally read my first Blume book last year, and this is a new one for adults, so I'm curious.

Glow by Ned Beauman because London.
Funny Girl by Nick Hornby because he can be hit or miss, but when he's a hit... he's a hit. (Side note: did you watch A Long Way Down yet? If not you really should. Don't let Pierce Brosnan put you off. It's fucking hilarious.)
Honourable mentions:  
Avenue of Mysteries by John Irving because it's been a while since I've read an Irving book, but he has been responsible for some of the most memorable (if also most disturbing) reading experiences I've ever had. Also Made You Up by Francesca Zappia because damn, just look at the cover:

I think I got this right, but excuse me if one or two of the "debuts" aren't really debuts - they still look really good! I clearly don't know enough about books coming out this year, so clue me in! Share links and suggestions in the comments please and thank you!
(Thanks to The Globe and Mail's list of 50 most anticipated of 2015 for helping me find some of these!)
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