Top Ten Tuesday | Books and Bookish Presents i Wouldn't Mind Santa Bringing Me

By Mle_vnc @Backlist_Books

This week's Top Ten Tuesday on The Broke and the Bookish is: Top Ten Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Bringing This Year. I've got wishlists scattered everywhere. In notebooks, in my Chapters and Book Depository and Book Outlet accounts, on Goodreads. There's not shortage of books I'd like to find under the tree. But, for one thing, the best book gifts are books I didn't know I wanted. For another thing, it's too hard to narrow down which books I want from a list of literally thousands. So for this list I'm switching things up a bit. I'm including some really special editions and collections, and a few bookish objects I'd kill for!
1. The entire Harry Potter collection... in hardback.

2. A signed edition of Lena Dunham's Not That Kind of Girl (and a sequel)

3. Any of the Penguin clothbound classics I don't already have

4. Every single Trixie Belden book ever published

5. The 2007 edition of Cleis Press's Best Sex Writing, which is impossible to find

6. A bookish necklace

7. A literary scarf

8. A book wallet (I'd rather it wasn't the dictionary as that's a bit dull, but I'll take what I can get)

9. This combo bookshelf/reading light

10. The library embosser. This is pretty much my fave. 

There are so many more awesome bookish knick-knacks and inventions I would kill for, but since I routinely exceed my allotted ten, I'm going to try to actually stick to it this week. But please, if you've come across a truly unique, awesome book gift, share in the comments!
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