This week's Top Ten Tuesday on The Broke and the Bookish is: Top Ten Book Related Problems I Have. Well, I'm not sure if these are exactly problems...
1. Time
Never having enough to read as much as I want, and knowing I'll never finish my TBR
2. When other bloggers get ARCs of books I cannot wait to read
3. Sticking with books I can't get into
4. When other bloggers have read 3+ books in the past week
5. Trying to find room on my bookshelves
6. Buyer's remorse
7. Finding the right words to express how I feel about books in reviews
8. Getting rid of books...
9. Reading a book everyone else likes...
10. Never being able to read my favorite books again for the first time
Oh, the difficulties of being a book lover! The torment never ends.
What about you guys? What bookish problems did I forget? Share in the comments!