Top Ten Tuesday | Book Problems

By Mle_vnc @Backlist_Books

This week's Top Ten Tuesday on The Broke and the Bookish is: Top Ten Book Related Problems I Have. Well, I'm not sure if these are exactly problems...
1. Time

 Never having enough to read as much as I want, and knowing I'll never finish my TBR
2. When other bloggers get ARCs of books I cannot wait to read
And I have to keep on waiting for the release date
3. Sticking with books I can't get into
 But I feel like I have to finish them because they're review copies or everyone seems to love them
4. When other bloggers have read 3+ books in the past week
And I'm still on #1
5. Trying to find room on my bookshelves
And looking for a particular book that isn't in the front layer
6. Buyer's remorse
When I see a nicer cover on a new edition of a book I already own
7. Finding the right words to express how I feel about books in reviews
If I like the book I can't express my love adequately, if I didn't like I get stressed out about saying bad things
8. Getting rid of books...
 .... any books, ever. Even ones I didn't like.
9. Reading a book everyone else likes...
...and not getting why they loved it so much
10. Never being able to read my favorite books again for the first time
And being jealous of my friends who haven't read them yet
Oh, the difficulties of being a book lover! The torment never ends.
What about you guys? What bookish problems did I forget? Share in the comments!