Top Cop

By Maggiemcneill @Maggie_McNeill

The next US presidential election is still almost two years away, but since our culture has completely lost the ability to keep the future in perspective, every power-mad politician who wants to rule the world is already announcing his or her candidacy.  And while every single one of them deserves to be dropped down a disused mine shaft and buried under thousands of metric tons of concrete, the absolute greatest of these evils is California senator Kamala Harris, a career prosecutor whose list of crimes, if fully delineated, would make this one of the longest columns on this blog.  But naturally, bean-counters are willing to overlook her corruption, duplicity, petty sadism and racist tyranny because she is part Jamaican, part Indian and has a vagina.  I’ve already written about her in “Power Play” and its sequels, and the Unsinkable Liz Brown did a thorough debunking of her last January which only started with her vile censorship and persecution of sex workers; it then went on to her covering up for rapist cops; her arguments for the facilitation of literal slave labor; her covering up for dirty prosecutors; her campaigns to lock up more minorities and keep them locked up for longer, even when a federal court ordered them released; and her repeated persecution of people who had consensual sex in ways the state doesn’t like.  Other writers have discussed her strenuous efforts to hide police brutality and murders; her crusade to steal citizens’ possessions without due process or supervision; her obsession with keeping people locked in cages to use as slaves even after the feds ordered their release; her vengeful, bloodthirsty attitude toward prisoners; her opposition to cannabis legalization; and her bizarre vendetta against poor people whose kids skip school.  And though her deranged fans keep making ridiculous arguments equivalent to “it’s OK she’s evil because she’s a woman of color”, high-profile articles in The Atlantic (referring to her fans’ support of her in the face of her many glaring flaws as “a kind of political fetishization by virtue of her identities”) and The Guardian (which re-iterates many of the points mentioned above, with special emphasis on her persecution of minorities and sex workers) countered her carefully-calculated attempt to anoint herself as the champion of minorities by announcing her campaign on Martin Luther King Day.  Will this be enough to let the gas out of her balloon?  Given the deep stupidity of the American electorate, probably not, even though The Onion is already mocking her.  But we can only hope, and I’m going to keep bringing up new articles as they appear.