Top 50 Beauty Blogs

By Ireviewuread

As all of you know, IreviewUread have been around in this Beauty blogging industry for a very long time. In fact, this year would be my fourth year. Throughout this 4 years there have definitely been many milestones from getting my first sponsor (Huge thanks to Nezon for having faith in this pink blog) to finally purchasing the domain - For those of you who don't know, IreviewUread is hosted on a tumblr platform thus there'll be a

IreviewUread have seen through multiple themes and multiple posts. Can you believe that IreviewUread have hosted over 366 posts on this startup? To think that the site which started as an interests page hunting for random samples lurking around Singapore have grown to become a beauty interest site (and hopefully more in the future) is amazing.

Anyhows, this is not an thowback speech post neither nor it's a "here's another giveaway post". This is more of a post to announce that IreviewUread is crowned number 36 on RebatesZone Top 50 Beauty Blogs!


Yeah!!! Thanks to RebatesZone for the crowning. It definitely make me as a lark!

To my readers (I never have been fond of using the word "fan". I mean who am I for someone to be a fan of?): I may have been on a slight Hiatus last year, taking time out to catch up with my personal life, trying to figure out who am I and what is my worth. Long story short, life have been rather unexpected for me. Decisions I've made tooks even myself by surprised. However, in this whole journey, I've managed to learn one thing:

It's okay to take time out for yourself.

Put yourself first. Love yourself for who you are. Take sometime out to be alone and enjoy your company. Stop putting yourself down. You are worth it, you are worth the things, you do the words you say, the thoughts you think. Even when you think you are not, you are. We all have to remember that it's ok to have doubts about yourselves and your abilities. However, please don't think that your worth have decreased because of these doubts. You never know how beautiful you are in someone esle's eyes. So continue being yourself, let you do you and be Happy.