Top 5 Palettes

By Hollysbeautybox @hollysbeautybox
Palettes. They make me happier than you'd ever imagine a collection of products could.

I'm fortunate that being a beauty blogger means that I am sent some to try out now and again, otherwise my palette addiction would not be fulfilled. Palettes can be pretty expensive!
Moving on, being the palette junkie that I am, means that I know which ones are the bees knees. Here are my top five (in no particular order).

1 - Too Faced Semi Sweet Chocolate Palette
I bought this when I was in Toronto. Normally when I come home from holiday, I kind of regret some of the purchases I made on the spur of the moment but on this occasion, I got it bang on. I flippin love this! not only does it smell incredible (whenever I need a chocolate fix I just smell it. JOKES, I eat a family sized Galaxy bar. #FatGirlProblems) but the shades in it are just right up my street. They're all a mixture of neutrals (with the exception of one blue shade which hasn't been used!) and have a mixture of textures. Some are shimmery. some are matte, some are irridescent. I just bliddy love it. It stays on my lids all day long without creasing and has an amazing pigmentation.

2 - Mac Burgundy Times Nine
I bought this in New York when I was in Macy's. I hadn't really seen many Mac palettes before (why don't they do many?) and saw this was on sale. I think it cost me about $30 which is an absolute bargain as far as I'm concerned. I was once told by a Mac employee never to wear red on my eyes as it makes me look tired. I went against what she said and rock the red tones on a regular basis. Sorry not sorry.

3 - Urban Decay Naked 2 Palette
I was recently gifted this by the lovelies at Urban Decay and it was an instant attraction. Love at first swatch you might say. For me, there is no other eyeshadows in the beauty industry that beats Urban Decay. Their shadows are SO pigmented, they last all day long and come in gorgeous shades. Whenever I'm feeling a little bit 'edgy' I grab this and rock a neutral eye with a metallic twist.

4 - The Balm 'Nude'tude'
This palette is actually the first product I've ever tried from the Balm and I'm seriously impressed. I always reach for this palette, it's just one of those 'go-to' palettes that never let's you down. The white shade is actually my fave, it's seriously pigmented and looks amazing on the inner corners. I don't know if The Balm do individual shadows but if they do, I'll be stocking up on the white shade 'Sassy'. I also love 'Sleek' (A matte brown) and 'Sexy' (a matte red brown).

5 - Urban Decay Naked Flushed 'Strip'
Last but by no means is the only complexion palette in my top 5. Again, this is from Urban Decay and it is the perfect contour, bronzing, blush palette. It's just a great all rounder. I'm not a huge fan of the highlight but the other two are incredible. I find the bronze great for adding a bit of color all over rather than contour (it's slightly orange toned). It's super pigmented and is the perfect handbag and travel size.
So there are my top 5 palettes! It was SO hard narrowing them down. Which palettes do you think should have made it onto my list?
H x