Top 5 MAC Lipsticks

By Fashionmakeupandbeauty @_melissajayne
I finally got round to choosing my top 5 MAC lipsticks it wasn't really hard seen as it is most of my lipsticks and a sly one of my friends that i love and wear. i am very picky when it comes to buying lipsticks i research if they look good etc before buying hence why i don't have many to begin with.

Left to right  Creme D'Nude, Hang-up, Russian Red, Dish it up, Creme Cup.
Creme D'Nude is one of my all time favorite lipsticks that mac do it is so easy to wear and as a nude while wearing it doesn't make you look ill for some people it may be to light for them but seen as i am very pale its a little darker than my skin tone so it is fine. Also it has a lovely finish as a creamsheen and for anyone who know about have dry lips all year round and wearing lipstick sometime doesn't go well together but this is just love for the lips! And i am also on my second tube!. From the picture below you can see the color difference between the lipstick and my skin colour!.
Hang-up i must admit i don't wear this alot i bought it on an impulse buy as the colours where in at the time and i thought it looked nice. I love wearing this and i have the confidence to wear it out any time its just some people look at me oddly urgh they get a look haha but it is a lovely deep purpley shade!
Russian Red this is just your box standard red lip i think everyone should own a red lipstick and this is my particular favorite red i have tried. Seen as it is a matte finish i find that the red stays on for longer while wearing it and also the wear is less noticeable if you wear a lip liner all over the lip underneath. i have tested this lipstick out against drinking and and eating and it was fantastic only a little bit of transfer but did not budge of the lips! and i didnt find the lipstick to be drying at all although it is a matte finish.  
Dish it up, this may be my friends lipstick but i love it and wearing it whenever i can its a lovely purple which i find is very wearable with the right make up look. It is a luster finish seen as i do not own a luster finish lipstick i was pretty impressed! if i could go buy my own i would but there so expensive in Australia ill wait till i get back to England. Creme Cup, you can see i like this lipstick alot as i have nearly finished it and will be definitely buying another when i can. For myself it is a just "my lip color but better" lipstick throw it on and im out the door.