Top 5 Benefits Of Using Virtual Cards

Posted on the 29 September 2021 by Amreen Shaikh @Amu1312

We are blessed to be in the digital era in this pandemic phase for all our everyday needs. Everything that we want, from daily grocery to clothes to DIY to services, online platforms are here for our rescue, agree? But every coin has its two sides, and with online transactions come the greatest threat of all: theft. Apart from this very danger, there's the insecurity of leaking our private information, or many of us not being well-versed with using the technology. So the concluding question is, how do we manage to tackle all this and still enjoy the benefits of the digital age?

Well, I have an answer! Recently, I came across this innovative term, "", which have helped change the geography of internet banking. Virtual Cards are a great way to be safe and secure about every transaction you do.

A virtual card is an online card with randomly generated sets of numbers that you can use in place of your existing credit card or debit card. The number of your virtual card is connected to your credit or debit card, making it easy to pay online without incurring any extra charge. Every Virtual Card comes with its card number, CVV and validity details, giving you the perfect look and feel of an actual debit or credit card. You simply have to use your smartphone to make your online payments. As the name suggests, it cannot be used or issued physically.

1. Security

The biggest and prime benefit that virtual cards provide you is by making your transactions secure. It is a randomly generated number that you use in place of your existing debit or credit card number, securing your personal and credit/debit details from the vendor. Your underlying debit or credit details are not shared. It reduces the chances of online theft or intrusion to negligible. Every new transaction you opt for will generate a unique virtual card number, making your online transactions secure and hassle-free.

2. Convenient For One-Time Use

With the online world brimming with new products and services, we are forever glued to our mobile phones to make a new purchase. Virtual cards help you in making this experience seamless and worthwhile. We are always looking for a trial deal or paying an invoice. We feel less prone to online theft with trusted brands, but we are always unsure about purchasing with lesser-known or new brands. But with Virtual cards, you can shut up your card to automatically close, so the merchant won't charge you additional once the deal is done. This feature makes every transaction safe.

3. Manage Your Subscriptions Well

With online streaming platforms, we are always looking for new content and subscribing to several channels. But unfortunately, there is a chance of data breach, and you can end up paying for unregistered renewals. With Virtual Cards, you can assign one card number to one channel, making it organised and convenient for you to keep track of your subscriptions and reducing faulty transactions.

4. Protecting Yourself From Online Frauds

As we have discussed, online frauds are common with cards. Therefore, a data breach is negligible with Virtual Card. However, if your data is compromised, you can always freeze your virtual card at any time. This feature is delayed with physical cards, and you have to go through customer service.

5. Spend Control

We can't agree more that there are times when we lose track of our spending habits and end up being in debt at times. With Virtual Cards, you can control your spendings in various ways. For example, simply put a spending limit on your cards, set expiry date, or automatically close the card after one-time use. This way, you can manage your finances and always make an informed decision.
With this detailed blog on , I'm sure you must have become well aware of this revolutionary technology that will help us make our online shopping journey more enjoyable and less troublesome.