Top 10 Unusual Gift Ideas for Monopoly Fans

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10

Top 10 Unusual Gift Ideas for Monopoly Fans

If I had to guess at the amount of times in my life I have played Monopoly it would probably be in the high thousands. But if I’m such a big fan of the board game why don’t I yet own any of these amazing gift ideas…

Top 10 Unusual Gift Ideas for Monopoly Fans


Monopoly Themed Shoes

10 – Shoes Street

You might well need to pass go, and collect that £200 because these Dr. Jays, Monopoly Pack Reverse Jam shoes cost a fair penny. In fact this is one pair from a whole Monopoly collection of shoes! But I think these are the best. You can discover the rest for yourself by clicking on the image.

Monopoly Themed Umbrella

9 – Community Umbrella

These Monopoly umbrellas made by Brollies of London caused a bit of a viral streak when they were first sold, but since they are now taken down from sale due to a copyright infringement they are now a collector’s item and very rare indeed.

Monopoly Themed Apron

8 – Jail Chef

Do you lay claim to having the Monopoly in the kitchen? Well why not show people you have by wearing this apron whenever you are cooking!

Monopoly Themed Game Pen

7 – Game Pen

If you love novelty board game pens check out this really unusual (and slightly pointless) Monopoly game pen! This would pass some time while working at the office or at school.

Monopoly Themed Chocolate Bar

6 – Chocolate House

Apparently this is not the best tasting chocolate bar in the world, but it is Monopoly themed none the less and sure to make any fan happy if they received it as a gift.

Monopoly Themed Beach Towel

5 – Towel Town

This beach towel is 30″ x 60″ and is permanently dyed, so the colours will never run. Best of all is the board is fully playable, just drape it over a picnic table and a game is good to go!

Monopoly Themed Mug

4 – Mugville

There are hundreds of cups and mugs with various Monopoly themed things on them, but this one make me laugh out loud so it gets my vote.

Monopoly Themed Money Box

3 – Pass go and save!

Monopoly is all about being ruthless in business and wise with money. So what better gift to tie in with that than a money-box! Save up and you too could afford your own home. A tiny, little green one.

Monopoly Themed Pillow cover

2 – Old Cushion Road

If you are lucky enough to own a game room why not get a few of these Monopoly cushion covers and make it look amazing! Bit rubbish for playing on though because the pieces would keep falling off!

Monopoly Themed Pinball Table

1 – Mayfair Madness

This stunning Monopoly pinball table made by Stern is said to be one of the best they have ever made, and if I had the money I would love to see if that was true. But for now I think I will stick to the board games.