Top 10 Unusual Flavours of Fanta

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10

Top 10 Unusual Flavours of Fanta

If I say the word “Fanta” most people will think of the orange fizzy pop. Believe it or not it was created in Coke-Cola: Nazi Germany because at the time they were under a trade embargo for Coca-Cola ingredients so they had to come up with something new, thus they created Fanta! But while most of us will know the orange flavour there are more than 100 of them, and here are just ten of the most unusual flavours from around the world…

Top 10 Unusual Flavours of Fanta


Fanta Flavour: Lychee

10 – Lychee

Orange is so last year, everyone is on Lychees now! As a flavour I think I might well enjoy this one, and could imagine it being quite refreshing on a hot summers day.

Fanta Flavour: Birch Beer

9 – Birch Beer

This Fanta is flavored with an extract from birch bark! It’s sweet and while tasting very similar in flavor to root beer it is not quite the same thing.

Fanta Flavour: Soda Peach

8 – Soda Peach

While you might be thinking what a strange flavour this is, what is weird is the picture on the bottle of Fanta itself! Does that look like a peach to you?!?

Fanta Flavour: Chinotto

7 – Chinotto

Chinotto is a natural citrus and herbal beverage & one of Italy’s most traditional soft drinks. Not one that is going to make my drinks list any time soon.

Fanta Flavour: Strawberry

6 – Strawberry

One of the top selling Fanta imports from America to Europe and the rest of the world is Strawberry flavour! I definitely need to try a can of this.

Fanta Flavour: Banana

5 – Banana

I’m all for trying out the latest fizzy fruit drinks, but when that fruit is a banana I am a bit less enthusiastic in coming forward. It’s still available over in Japan, but here in Europe it was very short lived.

Fanta Flavour: Chocolate Orange

4 – Chocolate Orange

Obviously made for a Halloween special it is a combination of flavours that often works in chocolate form, but whether it works in fizzy pop form I am not so sure.

Fanta Flavour: Milk

3 – Milk

Milk and carbonated fizzy water are not the best bed partners because the 2 flavours combined are foul tasting! But over in Japan they are a bit more willing to try the more unusual things in life.

Fanta Flavour: Maracuja

2 – Maracuja

It might sound like some weird, exotic fruit, but we mostly know it by its other name “Passion fruit” which still makes it quite an exotic flavour, just with a less mysterious name.

Fanta Flavour: Grape

1 – Grape

I don’t get why grape is such an unusual flavour given that it is quite a common fruit. Reason aside this is one of the rarest Fanta flaviours on earth and has sadly now been discontinued due to lack of interest.