Top 10 Takeaways From IDEA World BlogFest

By Fitfulfocus @fitfulfocus

Can I go back to BlogFest? I LOVED being around so many fit-loving and inspiring people. It’s pretty amazing to be surrounded by 12,000 people and know that you all have something in common – we all want to be healthy and happy motivate others to be the same, whether that’s through blogging or training.

I was trying to figure out the best way to summarize my weekend when I found out that Tiffany, Debbie and Natalie are hosting a “Top 10 Takeaways from Blogfest” Link Up. Check out mine below and be sure to head over to their blogs to see more BlogFest recaps!

  1. New blog tools!
    Jamie and Alyse from FitApproach shared their favorite blogger-friendly tips and tricks, which included their go-to apps and tools. Some of them I use already (MailChimp, Rafflecopter, Buffer, Latergramme, PicMonkey – just to name a few), but some I’m dying to check out. I started using CoSchedule earlier this week and am pretty much in love. I’m also looking forward to checking out SumoMe, Zapier, Snapnote and more!
  2. Gabby Reece is awesome.
    I honestly didn’t know much about Gabby Reece before hearing her give the keynote speech at BlogFest, but now I’m in love with her. She is incredibly down to earth, dished out some inspirational advice and then led us through a kickass workout. We moved through 13ish different stations. Two moves per station. I felt the burn for sure! Plus, she’s so purdy.
  3. I need to up my SEO Game.
    Sara Downey Robinson’s talk on SEO was the most helpful for me. I thought I knew at least a little bit about SEO. In reality, I know nothing! I thought headers were just pretty little ways to add different text sizes to my posts and divide content into sections. WRONGO! At certain points, the presentation was like listening to someone speak in a foreign language (noindex, crawl budget, MOFU offers – say wha?!) I took furious notes and definitely want to learn more and make SEO a bigger priority for this here bloggity blog.
  4. Simple adjustments can drastically change a workout move.
    I took two IDEA World Sessions with Scott Rawcliff: “How To Be A Booty Builder” & “The Ultimate Body Weight Workout.” He might be my favorite new-to-me trainer. He took simple moves I know and love and tweaked them just slightly. Those tiny little shifts changed the move entirely! I felt different muscles working and they were HARD! Whew! I can’t wait to take what I learned and give you all some bootylicious bodyweight workouts.
  5. Books to read
    I really enjoyed Brendon Buchard’s keynote address and was pleasantly surprised that he gave everyone in the audience a copy of his book, The Motivation Manifesto. I’m pretty excited to crack that baby open. Then on Sunday, I took a session called “Building Your Personal Training Business” with Pat Rigsby. I asked him a question about starting a business while also working fulltime at a different job, and he suggested I read The Reluctant Entrepreneur, so that’s now on my must-read list, too! Here’s to reading, getting motivated and making it happen!
  6. There’s always a new way to workout.
    One of the reasons I love fitness conferences is discovering new ways to workout, and the IDEA World expo certainly didn’t disappoint. I saw a cool new HIIT program called Metafit, watched as more coordinated people did Zumba, eyed some cool new workout gadgets like this stuff (I got a sample, so I’ll let you know how it works) and even got to do Brittany Spears’ favorite workout: Flexline! Check me out.
  7. There are foods I can eat!
    As someone with a lot of food allergies, I was in heaven at the conference! There were so many allergen-free options. Check out my favorite quick & healthy meatless eats from the weekend.
  8. I still love Jillian Michaels, and Bodyshred is LEGIT!
    Jillian was there, so you know I went to hear her speak on the main stage. I broadcasted her Q&A on Periscope. Did you catch it? I also got to attend her Bodyshred workout! It was NO JOKE. It was a half hour of serious sweat. I’d love to get certified in her program one day.
  9. Fit bloggers are the best people in the world.
    I loved catching up with blends I made last year, and of course enjoyed meeting other bloggers IRL (in real life). The fit blogging community is so amazing, and I really do feel like these people are my friends. They are all empowering, inspiring and just downright awesome people.

    Pictured throughout: Renee, Jill, Tara, Annmarie, Lunden, Sarah, Alyse, Jamie, Hollie, Ashley, Ariana, Linzie, Amanda, Tasha, Jessica

  10. I want to start focusing on my business. 
    Since getting my NASM cert, I’ve been toying with starting my own training business. I thought a lot this weekend about what I want that business to look like, and while I still have a lot of thinking and planning to do, I think I’m ready to stop thinking and start doing! First step, read that book!

This list could be a mile long, but I’ll keep it to that! Feel free to shout with any questions you may have about BlogFest, IDEA World and/or any of the things I mentioned, and don’t forget to check out all the other awesome recaps in the linkup.

Top 10 Takeaways from IDEA World BlogFest! @ideafit @fitapproach #sweatpink
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Let’s Chat:
Did you go to BlogFest? What was your biggest takeaway?
Do you understand SEO? Can you teach me?
Who’s your favorite famous fit person?