Top 10 Super Fit Weightlifting Animals

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10

Top 10 Super Fit Weightlifting Animals

If your pet is looking a little overweight and could do with getting fit why not get them into weightlifting! It sounds silly but all over the world animals are pumping iron and growing muscles to show off in animal bodybuilding events. Or maybe all these photos are nothing more than perfect timing…

Top 10 Super Fit Weightlifting Animals


Chimpanzee Lifting Weights

10 – No monkeying around

This chimp asks all those guys on the beach that think they are ripped: “Do you even lift Bro?” it gets him into a lot of fights, but he can handle himself.

Chinchilla Lifting Weights

9 – Pumping Buds

This Chinchilla seriously need to work on doing some cardio rather than weightlifting a cotton wool bud! But I suppose we all have to start somewhere.

Parrot Lifting Weights

8 – Who’s a pretty and very strong boy?

If you needed to crack nuts open with your beak you would make sure it was as strong as possible as well. And this parrot takes no chances and can often be found lifting weights what copying what other people in the gym say.

Guinea Pig Lifting Weights

7 – Guinea Pig

They might give out high pitch squeaks whenever they lift, but Guinea pigs take their weight lighting very seriously indeed.  This guy has started to enter local competitions! He come 3rd last week.

Dog Lifting Weights

6 – Pug Life

This local gym uses pugs as safety lifters for all the weedy muscle men trying out in the gym for the first time. With him watching you, you can lift over your limit in safety.

Squirrel Lifting Weights

5 – Squirrel

If that dumbell weight is real this has to be the world’s strongest squirrel! But I am going to guess there is some sort of illusion at play here.

Frog Lifting Weights

4 – Frog

I put my hand on my heart when I tell you this is one of the most scariest things I have ever seen! The last thing I need to think about is a frog that might beat me up for my dinner money!

Hampster Lifting Weights

3 – Hampster Hamstrings

Even the smallest of pets like to keep fit. This hampster does all his cardio in the hampster wheel then likes to pump iron down the local dolls house. The weights are all made from plastic, but you have to start somewhere.

Kitten Lifting Weights

2 – Kitten Lifter

I’m not sure this little puss has the build to attempt such a high weight, but I suppose bodybuilding is all about pushing your mind and body to the limits.

Rabbit Lifting Weights

1 – Gym Bunny

They often call people who goto the gym a lot “Gym Bunnies” but here is a rabbit that would put us non-gym goers to shame. If these ten animals can do it, I suppose maybe I could as well.