Globally, 1.3 million people die in road accidents every year. This averages to 3,287 deaths in a day. An additional 20 to 50 million people are disabled or injured as a result of road accidents. In the US alone, over 37,000 people die in road crashes every year.
Taking a look at the data above tells you that something needs to be done to reduce the number of road accidents on our roads every year. The good news is that we can do something, and this will help to ensure you and other readers become good drivers.
The following are 10 simple driving skills everyone should know.1 - Be patient
As a driver, it is very crucial to be patient especially when on the road. While driving, you will meet people of all sorts. To ensure that no road accidents occur, you have to be patient with other drivers and road users. Doing so will allow you to think clearly, to choose the appropriate actions and drive safely.
2 - Be Aware of your Surrounding
As earlier said, when driving, you will meet drivers engaged in all manner of things. Some will be driving carefully, others will be driving and texting or making phone calls. To avoid an accident, be aware of your surroundings.' It's your job to know what other drivers are up to so as to take the appropriate action.
3 - Keep your Road Rage on Check
Drivers are prone to road rage which is usually a means of asserting dominance over other drivers. If you give in to road rage, you will end up causing more harm than good. As a driver, you can avoid road accidents common on all roads by taking a different route - think differently.
4 - Brake when Required
It is a common habit among certain drivers to hit the brakes hard when they intend to stop. Doing so like they do on Hollywood films will lead to an accident. To ensure that you get to slow down and stop safely, always brake at a safe distance from your final stop.
5 - Driving a Car with a Manual Transmission
Learning how to drive a car with a manual transmission helps to ensure that you are always in total control. In addition, it makes you a better driver. Alternatively, you can choose an HGV driver course to improve your driving skills.
6 - Drive with Plenty of Caution when it's Raining and in the Snow
When it rains, it is advisable to keep your eyes out for puddles as some are much deeper than others. If you note abnormal splashes made by the car in front of you, slow down and avoid the puddle. Before driving in the snow, make sure your car has the right tires. When driving, do so with caution.
7 - Control your Car in Case of Violent Deflation of a Tire
When driving, don't brake hard when your tire blows out. Doing will cause your car to spin. Start by shifting from a higher gear to a lower gear until you reach the first gear. Keep your car in a straight line until it comes to a stop.
8 - Merge Carefully with Traffic
Stop at an intersection, turn on your indicator light and check for on-coming traffic are some of the steps you should take before merging with traffic. Not doing so will surely lead into an accident.
9 - Be a Master at Driving Backward
If you are not confident when it comes to driving backward, you should learn to do so immediately. By learning how to drive backward, you can judge the distance correctly, stop and proceed when required.
10 - Always Look far Ahead
When driving, it is highly advisable to look past the car in front of you. To do so, look between the lanes. By doing so, you will be aware of potential threats early allowing you to take the proper action.
There you have it; Top 10 simple driving skills everyone should know. To become a better driver, be a master at driving backward, learn to drive cars with manual transmission, merge carefully with traffic, always look far ahead, keep your road rage in check and be aware of your surrounding at all times.