Top 10 Pictures of Christmas Horses

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10

Top 10 Pictures of Christmas Horses

The horse is one animal that kind of gets forgotten at Christmas. Its all about the donkeys and reindeer’s.  So lets not forget all the horses that need a little Christmas love in their lives. If you own one maybe get a present, or maybe donate some money to a horse rescue charity. Or maybe just enjoy these images and give some sugar-lumps to one in a field near you…

Top 10 Pictures of Christmas Horses


Horse in a Christmas Jumper

10 – Festive Calendar

Even award winning jockey Tony McCoy likes to make his horses feel festive. With a matching Christmas jumper this amazing horse paint job was for the Jockey Club’s unique equine calendar.

Horse in a Santa Hat

9 – Christmas Spirits

This horse looks like it has received a little too much festive spirit and gone a bit loopy! Or maybe he found the vat of eggnog and decided to have a little pre-Christmas tipple.

Horse in a Reindeer Hat

8 – Rudolph the long nosed reindeer!

This horse looks like it has become fed-up with all the festive fuss going towards the reindeers so it has decided to pretend to be one! Maybe Santa would get here a lot quicker if he used horses instead of deer!

Horses in Christmas Hats

7 – The Festive Three

These 3 are not happy at all. They all applied for the job of Santa and his elves at the local shopping mall. But when they started to eat the children’s lists they were fired without a chance to explain themselves.

Horse in Christmas Hat

6 – One Horse Show

For years here Brian has worked as a reindeer at a local Winter Wonderland park. 5 years down the line and they still have no idea he is a horse! You go for it Brian.

Horse in Santa costume

5 – Parade Day

Its not everyday you get to see a horse dressed as Santa being rode by a Christmas tree! But this is Christmas and when it comes to small town parades almost anything goes!

Horse covered in Christmas decorations

4 – Horse Tree

When I said at the start of this post we should all try and make horse feel a little more included in the festive activities I didn’t mean you should turn them into your Christmas tree!

Horse in Christmas Hat

3 – Together Time

Christmas is always good time to catch up with family, loved ones and friends. Lets just hope this is the horses friend rather than anything else.

Horse covered in Christmas decorations

2 –The Perfect Present

I wonder how many good little girls out there have asked Santa for a Horse this Christmas!? Well maybe, just maybe some of the really lucky ones (With wealthy parents) well wake up to this under their Christmas tree.

Horse covered in Christmas decorations

1 – One Horse Race

At so we come to the winner of the most Christmas loving horse in the world. With silly, over the top decorations he embodied all the Christmas spirit in one. Happy Christmas to all you Horse fans and owners out there. Have a great New Year ahead.