Top 10 Pictures of Cats in Tanks

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10

Top 10 Pictures of Cats in Tanks

People have been saying cats will one day take over the world for years now, but nothing has ever come of it. But that was until today. I have surveillance and security images of several well armed cats is army tanks. This is not a drill, this is Catmageddon…

Top 10 Pictures of Cats in Tanks


Cat in an army tank

10 – Heavy Tank: IS-7

It might well be made from cardboard and empty cans, but this is one tank that is going to do some serious damage. But I can’t see this tank in mass production anytime soon.

Cat in an army tank

9 – Heavy Tank: Churchill III

This classic British tank was often supplied to the U.S.S.R. during cold war times, but now those tanks that have been mothballed for years will finally get used. Stay off the streets people!

Kitten in an army tank

8 – Light Tank: MT-25

This kitty has control of a light wheeled caterpillar vehicle, that has suspension wheels that were interleaved, meaning it has more power to all wheels. This tank will and indeed can travel just about anywhere, this is a global invasion after all.

Cat in an army tank

7 – Medium Tank: Pz.Kpfw

With enhanced armour and an external gun mantlet this tank is one machine you are not going get in the way of. There is even rumour that it is cat-nip proof!

Cat in an army tank

6 – SPG: SU-18

With a self-propelled gun on the chassis this unstoppable war machine will be used by the cats for the first invasion. Which I believe will happen right have their dinner times.

Cat in an army tank

5 – Light Tank: M2

This American made light tank is also one that the UK mothballed in the 1940s, but it seems cats have been buying these tanks from Ebay and doing them up to make them battle ready again. Those sneaky little pusses!

Cat in an army tank

4 – Light Tank: MS-1

This Soviet produced tank might have been made in the 1931s, but that doesn’t mean it won’t tear down your storage cupboard where those cats of cat food are being stored. after all, an army marches on its stomach.

Cat in an army tank

3 – SPG: SU-26

Just because this small attack tank is made from cardboard doesn’t mean it will not be loaded to the teeth with cat hair bombs and deadly claw turrets that will scram you when you go near it.

Kitten in an army tank

2 – Medium Tank: Leopard

This kitty has gone for pure speed. The Leopard is a top of the range tank that will run over any dog and flatten it within seconds. Provided it is a small dog anyway, or one that has been emotionally worn down by the cat in the run-up to this takeover bid.

Kitten in an army tank

1 – Heavy Tank: Maus

This is one kitty that might look small, but even a small cat in a big tank can do a lot of damage. I think it is best we tell the dogs and other pest to run, this is not going to be pretty.

Have you ever driven, seen or have any stories about tanks?