Top 10 Ninja Animals Hiding in Food

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10

Top 10 Ninja Animals Hiding in Food

They seek him here, they seek him there, we seek him everywhere! But unless you are the worlds worst player at finding games you shouldn’t have too much trouble finding any of this lot…

Top 10 Ninja Animals Hiding in Food


Cat Hiding in Food

10 – Cat

They might all look like tasty brown loaves, but one of these is an odd one out. 2 of them taste good with butter on, the other will lick the butter off its self.

Hedgehog Hiding in Food

9 – Hedgehog

One of these eggs is the odd one out. That one on the right seems a little too perfect for my tastes. Smash it with a spoon and find out.

Cat Hiding in Food

8 – Cat

The worst thing for this poor puss is that his owners keep buying more fruit and placing it on top of him! Still, he looks pretty as a picture!

Dog Hiding in Food

7 –Dog

His owners still can’t remember buying a pineapple, but because no one on the house likes it he has bene sat in that fruit bowl for 3 days!

Hampster Hiding in Food

6 – Hampster

Some of these images are harder than others. Wait a minute, did that egg just wink at me?!?

Hedgehog Hiding in Food

5 – Hedgehog

It’s a game of prickly hedgehog chocolate pick. One will give you a chocolate that will melt in your mouth, the other will make you think you just bite a cactus.

Cat Hiding in Food

4 – Cat

Day 56, the kids still  haven’t touched the fruit bowl, I suspect my plan to jump out on them was not well thought out. Maybe I should try the cookie jar.

Hedgehog Hiding in Food

3 – Hedgehog

You need to choose wisely because one has got a sweet, juicy center that will leave you feeling refreshed. The other is just a pear!

Cat Hiding in Food

2 – Cat

This bakers dozen is not quite what it looks like. But can you spot the  out meat loaf out, or do you need to do a smell test?

Hedgehog Hiding in Food

1 – Hedgehog

If you’ve been trying to catch a muffin thief you need to think outside the box and really lay a deadly trap. The stupid criminal will never know until the pain hits home.