Top 10 Nerdy and Unusual Wallets

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10

Top 10 Nerdy and Unusual Wallets

Today I have decided it is time to buy a new wallet. The old one is looking a little worn and broken where I keep dipping into it to pay for bills and other things I would rather not pay for. So it is time to treat myself to one of these…

Top 10 Nerdy and Unusual Wallets


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Wallet That Looks Like Toast

10 – The 2 slice cash out

Some of you might remember this from my post “Top 10 Strange and Unusual Toast Gift Ideas” and i still think it is a great gift idea. But for toast fans this might be the next best thing since sliced bread!

Wallet That Looks Like Airmail

9 – You Got Mail!

Most people might not get the joy behind this with the world of emails and social media, but I remember that seeing an airmail letter was something exotic and magical. So for those of you as old as me you might well love this as much as I do.

Wallet That Looks Like a Gun Holster

8 – Reach for the sky!

Sadly despite the 70’s style of images this wallet is pretty much useless. Why? Because if you walked about with this gun holster style wallet these days you are liable to be shoot just walking out the house! But that doesn’t mean I don’t love it.

Wallet That Looks Like a Computer Keyboard

7 – Recycling

Not only does the wallet look like the insides of a computer keyboard, but it really is made from one as well! If you click on the image there is a full step by step guide to making your own. I think I might give it a go!

Wallet That Looks Like a Cassette Tape

6 – There are loads of wallets and purses that people have made from old cassette tapes, and for those of us that remember listening to our music on them, it can bring a instant smile to the face, and they are always quite cheap as well, making it a great gift idea.

Wallet That Looks Like Bacon

5 – Pork Pockets

You just knew Bacon would be here somewhere, and here it is in wallet form. So you really really have got all the things in my post “Top 10 Bacon Inspired Gifts” then this might well be the wallet for you to bring home the bacon with.

Hi-tech Wallet

4 – Lock Down

This wallet might well cost more than I would ever put in it in a whole year, but this is a “Biometric” wallet and it only opens up when the owner’s fingerprint is swiped across the scanner on the front. This might well sound like a gadget of the future, but you really can buy one right now. Provided you have £600 spare.

Yummy Pockets Purses and Wallets

3 – Cash for Food

These amazing “Yummy Pockets” look so good, you might accidentally try and eat them! But if you want something unusual to hold your food money in then this might well be the one for you. With sandwiches, burgers, pizza, Kebab and many, many more food shaped ones to choose from there is sure to be one for you.

Wallet That Looks Like a Wad of Bank Notes

2 – Money Holds the Money!

Featuring whatever notes you fancy, this “Wad” of notes wallet is sure to get you mugged, but also make it look like you have a lot more than you really do. But design wise it is cool and sure to make a very good gift indeed.

Wallet That Looks Like a Nintendo Controller

1 – NES

It doesn’t cost the earth, has enough space for everything I need a wallet to carry and it looks like an NES retro console controller! This was always going to be my number 1 no matter what else I found. All I have left to do is to buy it now, but sadly I have no money left in my own wallet.