Top 10 Floating Beds

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10

If there is something I really appreciate it is a good bed.  From ones that have TV’s on the ends, to ones that are amusing shapes, or water filled. But one bed I have not had the pleasure of sleeping in is a floating one. Most of them cost far too much, and many of them are custom made beds. So to have some nice day dreams I have decided to find out just what is….

Top 10 Floating Beds


10 – Space Saving

Not only is this a beautiful looking, floating bed, but it is also a space-saving bed because it can retract back into the ceiling! Created by Chongqing, it is nothing short of being incredible. 

9 – Wrap up bed

This bed is floating because it is done by a single, wrap around sheet of metal going from the bottom of the bed, to the top of the ceiling! But the part of the metal that is not being used as a bed is used as a star display with amazing effect.

8 – One good leg

Like many of the beds you will see here this is a “single bed” style floating bed, but in this image you can actually see the single leg in the middle of the bed! Despite it having a leg it does still give a mild illusion of floating.

7 – Floating on the sea

If you have ever wanted to sleep on the beach, but maybe you were worried about the tide coming in and making the bed wet? Well fear not with these hanging, floating beds you can enjoy the views, the sleep and be safe from the water as well.

6 – Floating in the stars

You know you are staying in a 5 star, super posh hotel when they have a floating bed, with stars in the floor and ceiling to give you the effect of floating through space! While at the moment it is a one off design of a hotel room I am sure there will be many more in the future.

5 – Leg-Less?

Looking like something a big name magician would do during his set is this bed from Daniele Lago. It is done because hidden away under the bed is a single foot that attaches to the wall for support. But the effect you end up with is the same floating style.

4 – Hanging or sleeping?

This simple designed, hanging bed still gives you that floating feeling, without all the problems needed to overcome gravity. With a fresh, modern design it is just as good as the rest of these for sure.

3 – Sleeping Around

Sometimes it doesn’t take expensive magnets, reinforced beams or witchcraft or magic to keep the bed in the air, because this design which is taken from an older, similar design of Indian bed is simply perfect and the best bit is that anyone can buy it right now! It looks like sleeping on a floating trampoline, but I would definitely give it a go.

2 – Tie Down

This floating bed which uses industrial-strength magnets to keep it hovering just 40 cm above the floor was seen at a Millionaire Fair, and is of course far to expensive for most people to consider owning.

1 – Cloud 9

When you are really tired after a long day any bed can feel like a soft, fluffy cloud. Well hard day or not this bed made by Hong Kong-based designers David Koo and Zheng Yawei is the perfect bed for those of us who have ever wondered what it would be like to sleep on a cloud.