Top 10 Fitness At-Home Workouts for Weight Lose

By Ignitedpk
In our Day today life , we don't have enough time to go Gym always to Stay Fit and Lose our Weight , So We have to do some Non-Equipment Workouts whenever we got time.
Here is 10 At-Home Workouts for Weight Lose , you  can do at anywhere anytime.

10. Push-Up And Rotation

Begin in push-up position with your feet together and toes on the floor and your hands placed slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Draw-in your navel and contract your glutes. With your back flat, slowly lower your body toward the floor, lowering and contracting your shoulder blades. Push back up to starting position and rotate your body 90-degrees from the floor, fully extending both arms, one in the air and one on the floor. Reverse the movement of rotation to return to the starting position and repeat, alternating the direction of rotation.

9. Lunge

Stand and Step your right leg backward as possible as you can. Then bent your left leg and lower the body. Keep your right leg straight. Return to the first position and Repeat with other side . Lunge strengthens quadriceps, gluteus maximus and hamstrings

8. High Knees

Keeping the arms at the sides, slowly lift the knees so the thighs are parallel to the ground. Add arm swing while maintaining the slow pace. Pick up the pace and lift the knees as quickly as possible while maintaining good overall form. Do High Knees down a straightaway. Focus on lifting the knees up and down rapidly, rather than moving forward quickly.

7. Plank

Now bend your elbows 90 degrees and rest your weight on your forearms. Your elbows should be directly beneath your shoulders, and your body should form a straight line from your head to your feet. Hold the position for as long as you can. Your goal should be to hold it for two minutes.

6. Triceps Dip on Chair

Sit on a chair. Then move your hips off the chair with your hands hold the chair and support your body. Slowly bend your arms and lower your hips close to the ground. This is a great exercise for the triceps.

5. Squat

The movement begins from a standing position. Weights are often used, either in the hand or as a bar braced across the trapezius muscle or reardeltoid muscle in the upper back.[3] The movement is initiated by moving the hips back and bending the knees and hips to lower the torso and accompanying weight, then returning to the upright position. The shins and torso should remain vertical throughout the movement.

4. Abdominal Crunch

Lying on your back with knees bent and hands under your head. Then lift your shoulder blades one or two inches off the floor. Hold for a few seconds and slowly return. Then do another round. It primarly works on rectus abdominis muscle and the oblique

3. Push-Up

Get into a high plank position. Keep your body straight while raising and lowing your body with the arms. This exercise works on the chest, shoulders,triceps, back and legs.

2. Wall Sit

Start with your back against a wall (or use an exercise ball if you have one) with your feet shoulder width and about two feet from the wall. Slowly slide your back down the wall until your thighs are parallel to the ground.Adjust your feet if you need to so that your knees are directly above your ankles (rather than over your toes). Keep your back flat against the wall. Hold the position for 20 to 60 seconds, rest 30 seconds, and repeat the exercise three times. Increase your hold time by five seconds as you increase your strength.

1. Jumping Jacks

 Jumping to a position with the legs spread wide and the hands touching overhead, sometimes in a clap, and then returning to a position with the feet together and the arms at the sides.