Top 10 Crazy And Unusual Pairs Of Scissors

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10

Top 10 Crazy And Unusual Pairs Of Scissors

Christmas is over and it is sadly time you dealt with all those empty boxes laying around the house. You could fold them all up neatly and put them into the recycling, but you know as well as what I do they simply won’t all fit into it. But what about cutting them all up into pieces? Surely they would fit then. If only you had a pair of these weird and wonderful scissors for Christmas…

Top 10 Crazy And Unusual Pairs Of Scissors


Portable Electric Scissors

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I’ve been using my own hand power this whole time, when I could have just got a pair of these scissors? Well, let me tell you no more of that going on, my box cutting life just when electric!

Desktop Bunny Scissors Set

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With scissor ears and a carrot to hold some paper clips, this is a great gift idea for someone who works in the office all day long.

Eiffel Tower Scissors

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Creative and perfect for the shape of the tower. Also a rather unusual gift to bring back to someone.

Wonder Woman Scissors

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I just had to include these as a good example of Super Hero merchandising gone very bad indeed.

World’s Most Expensive Scissors

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They are made for cutting hair, but imagine what they could do to all those boxes you want to get rid of! The blades are forged ATS-314 cobalt stainless super steel, and the dragon handle designs are burnished from genuine Japanese sterling silver. And yeah, they cost a lot of money indeed.

Kids Animal Scissors

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Kid themed does not necessarily mean child-friendly. But I did like these theming on them.

Circular Scissors

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I’m not really sure how these would work, but I love the fresh, circular design.

Pizza Scissors and Spatula

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OK, so it’s not going to get those boxes cut, but it will make that pizza snack break go that little bit quicker so you can get back to them.

7-Blade Shredder Scissors

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If you want to cut up all those boxes in a hurry these Shredder Scissors with 7 blades of cutting power will soon get the job done.

Laser-Guided Scissors

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If like me you have trouble cutting in a straight line maybe these laser guided ones will help. It would have been much better if the laser did the cutting! Now that would be cool.