Top 10 Cats Who Can’t Wait For Christmas

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10

Top 10 Cats Who Can’t Wait For Christmas

Much like an excited child some cats just can’t wait until Christmas. They wait for their human owners to go out and then start checking their presents…

Top 10 Cats Who Can’t Wait For Christmas


Cat opening a Christmas present

10 – Caught in the act

I use the shake and smell method of telling what I got.

Cat asleep on a Christmas present

9 – Shhhhsh

If you are really quiet you can hear the liquid of cheap bubble bath sploshing around

Cat chewing a Christmas present

8 – Corner Score

Cutting the corner open is the best thing to do because you can easily repair it.

Cat walking on the Christmas presents

7 – The Cheapskate

I need to know what they got for me so I know how much to spend on them!

Cat asleep on a Christmas present

6 – The parcel whisperer

Smelling and listening is just as good as looking!

Cat asleep on a Christmas present

5 – The Gift Warmer

The secret in taking a peek is clawing down the sellotape line so it looks like it just fell open.

Cat chewing a Christmas present

4 – Bite and Guess

If it soft and tastes cheap then it is cheap!

Cat squeezing a Christmas present

3 – Gropper

I never tear the paper, I just give them a little squeeze and a shake!

Cat opening a Christmas present

2 – Sound Waves

The cat nags and nags until you finally tell him what you got him for Christmas.

Cat asleep on a Christmas present

1 – Impatient

This cat saw his owner wrap his bed in the paper but guessed it was to make it more comfortable.