Top 10 Cats Ruining Perfectly Good Photos

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10
Top 10 Cats Ruining Perfectly Good Photos

Cats have a nasty habit of ruining perfectly good photos. From weddings to perfect holiday scenes. Maybe it is because cats can be arses, or maybe they just love photobombing. Either way, it does lead some some very funny photos…

Top 10 Cats Ruining Perfectly Good Photos

Cat Ruining Photo

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A nice holiday photo ruined all because the cat took that exact moment to want to go outside. or maybe start shouting halaula out loud.

Cat Ruining Photo

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While the cat has ruined the photo quite clearly, if you look next to the woman on the floor you might understand why the cat is going to her.

Cat Ruining Photo

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This isn’t just a funny photobomb, I think its pretty scary as well! I have to wonder how the cat go into that position anyway, is he on someones head!?

Cat Ruining Photo

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The all important family photo, you have taken the time to get all the relatives around, everyone is dressed nice and then the family cat does this.

Cat Ruining Photo

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The photos of a newborn. They are the perfect opportunity for a cat to photobomb them, making they ruined if you planed to have them framed.

Cat Ruining Photo

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I’m not sure if this cat is expressing a opinion on the fruit basket, or it has some serious problems.  I would like to guess it is just his opinion.

Cat Ruining Photo

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Trying on the dress just before the wedding is a beautiful moment. It’s just a shame the cat took that moment to attack something.

Cat Ruining Photo

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I think this is more about the cat making a statement than ruining the photo. Love the background in this, it would have been a good photo.

Cat Ruining Photo

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Friends together, having some drinks and talking about the good’old times. It’s a perfect time to capture the moment with a photo, but it’s a shame a cat decided to start his parkour lessons at the same time.

Cat Ruining Photo

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Now this make me laugh out loud. Not only does the cat get in the way and ruin the photo, but he also seems to make a statement about the lovely scene behind him. This is a classic photo that only a cat could have ruined.