Top 10 Cats Helping to Put Up The Christmas Lights

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10

Top 10 Cats Helping to Put Up The Christmas Lights

Getting those string lights out from the garage is a small part of putting up the Christmas decorations. And that knotted ball of lights might seem annoying to you, but to a cat it’s a giant play toy! In fact, all these cats that have offered to give their human owners a hand have only ended up making more mess than they helped clear…

Top 10 Cats Helping to Put Up The Christmas Lights


Cat Covered In Christmas Lights

10 – Light Sleeper

He was going to help his human owner, but it all got a little too much for him and he needed a kip.

Cat Covered In Christmas Lights

9 –Lassoed By Lights

This poor kitty can’t remember how he ended up this way, but it did involve a mouse and a lot of things falling off shelves.

Cat Covered In Christmas Lights

8 – Let There Be Light

This cat is in total shock at how his owner managed to light all the candles on the floor at once!

Cat Covered In Christmas Lights

7 – Away Till Next Christmas

This kitty looks so startles it looks like he’s bene sleeping all year until Christmas come around again.

Cat Covered In Christmas Lights

6 – Hypnolights

This poor kitty has been hypnotised by the Christmas tree lights and now barks likes a dog!

Cat Covered In Christmas Lights

5 – Chief Tester

This poor kitty has to find that one bulb that isn’t working out of a 200 string light set!

Cat Covered In Christmas Lights

4 – Knotted In

This puss didn’t even know he had Christmas strings lights knitted into his fur until is owner plugged his tail in.

Cat Covered In Christmas Lights

3 – Tangle Puss

He was trying to get a knot out of the string lights when he suddenly realised he was the knot!

Cat Covered In Christmas Lights

2 – Puurfect Photo

Yeah, I know this image is probably a fake. But it makes me smile every time I look at it.

Cat Covered In Christmas Lights

1 – Flasher

The puss started with the very best of intentions. But he has ended up ruining the decorations and now he is the family Christmas tree.