Top 10 Cartagena Colombia Safety and Security Measures Every Traveler Should Know

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10

Cartagena, Colombia, is a captivating city that welcomes countless tourists each year with its beauty and rich cultural heritage. When planning your visit to this vibrant destination, it’s essential to prioritize your cartagena colombia safety and security. In this article, we present a list of the top 10 safety and security measures that every traveler should know when exploring Cartagena. From water sports safety to street navigation tips, this comprehensive guide will ensure an enjoyable and secure experience throughout your visit.

1. Always wear a life jacket and use certified equipment when engaging in water sports activities in Cartagena. Choose reputable water sports providers that prioritize safety standards and follow the instructions and guidance of trained professionals.

2. Prioritize your online security when connecting to public Wi-Fi networks in Cartagena. Avoid accessing sensitive information, such as online banking, when connected to public Wi-Fi. Use a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your internet connection and protect your data. Be cautious when entering personal information on websites and use secure websites (HTTPS).

3. Respect the exhibits and ensure a safe environment when visiting museums and cultural centers in Cartagena. Follow any posted rules and regulations, including photography restrictions. Do not touch or tamper with the artifacts on display, and stay with your group or guide to avoid getting lost or separated.

4. Practice safe shopping in Cartagena by keeping your belongings secure and being mindful of pickpockets in crowded areas. Verify the authenticity of products and avoid purchasing counterfeit goods. Trust reputable vendors and establishments with a track record of customer satisfaction.

5. Prioritize your safety during outdoor excursions in Cartagena. Prepare adequately with appropriate gear, including sturdy footwear and protective clothing. Carry sufficient water, snacks, and necessary supplies. Stay on designated trails, follow safety instructions, and be aware of your surroundings.

6. Familiarize yourself with emergency procedures in Cartagena. Locate emergency exits and evacuation routes in your accommodation and public spaces. Keep emergency contact numbers, including local authorities and your embassy, easily accessible. Follow instructions from local authorities and remain calm during any emergency situations.

7. Ensure your safety in parks and green spaces in Cartagena by being aware of your surroundings and avoiding isolated areas, particularly at night. Follow park rules and regulations, such as designated walking paths and areas for specific activities. Use well-lit and populated areas for picnics or relaxation.

8. Prioritize your safety while visiting tourist attractions in Cartagena. Follow the instructions of guides or staff members regarding safety guidelines. Stay vigilant and report any suspicious activities or unattended packages. Keep your belongings secure and avoid displaying valuable items openly.

9. Adopt a mindful approach to street navigation in Cartagena. Stick to well-lit and populated areas, especially at night. Use maps or GPS applications to navigate unfamiliar locations. Avoid displaying expensive items or carrying large amounts of cash.

10. Enjoy festivals and cultural celebrations safely in Cartagena. Be cautious in crowded areas and stay aware of your surroundings. Keep your personal belongings secure and avoid carrying excessive amounts of cash. Stay hydrated, particularly during outdoor festivals, and drink responsibly.


As you prepare for your trip to Cartagena, remember that safety and security should be your top priorities. By following these top 10 safety and security measures, you can explore the treasures of Cartagena confidently and with peace of mind. Embrace the beauty, history, and vibrant culture of this enchanting city while ensuring your personal well-being.


1. Is Cartagena safe for tourists?
– Cartagena is generally safe for tourists. However, it’s important to exercise caution and follow safety guidelines to avoid any potential risks.

2. Are there any areas in Cartagena to avoid?
– While Cartagena is relatively safe, it’s advisable to avoid isolated or poorly lit areas, especially at night. Stay in well-populated and tourist-friendly areas.

3. What are the emergency contact numbers in Cartagena?
– In case of emergencies, dial 123 for immediate assistance from local authorities. Additionally, keep your embassy’s contact number handy.

4. Can I use credit cards in Cartagena?
– Yes, credit cards are widely accepted in most establishments in Cartagena. However, it’s recommended to carry some cash for smaller vendors and markets.

5. Is tap water safe to drink in Cartagena?
– It’s advisable to drink bottled water or use filtered water for drinking purposes to avoid any potential stomach issues. Remember to stay informed and use common sense while exploring Cartagena. Enjoy your trip while keeping your safety a priority.