Top 10 Best Period Tracker Apps (android/iPhone) 2018

Posted on the 05 September 2018 by Ssghtc001

Worried about your irregular period problem or do you forget every time that when did you last went through that week. No worries as we have apps for you to keep a track of when you will undergo that 1 week. We have the best period tracker app android/iOS 2018, which will make you see that how many days late are you and what are the days you need to be cautious and keep a sanitary with you.

1.Period Tracker – Period Calendar Ovulation Tracker android / iphone

Predict your next period and get pre-warning from this app. It is the best period tracker app Android 2018. Know your chances of getting pregnant through this app. You can even record your moods and symptoms which you get during the day. Apart from this, you can also see the previous period cycle which you had and then compare it. It also records your intimacy time and pill reminder is set too. period tracker app fits the best with Android users.

2.Period Tracker Clue: Period & Ovulation Tracker android / iphone

Millions of download are done on this app. It is the best period tracker app Android 2018. You can track your pregnancy, next period, PMS, ovulation, moods. All the information will be saved in this app and you can view it any time and compare it. This app is very informative and uses good vocabulary to help you work things out regarding such issues. It gives you alert for your period and keeps a track of your mood swings. Android users can download this app.

3.Period Tracker Flo, Pregnancy & Ovulation Calendar android / iphone

This fantastic app gives you accurate predictions for the period and even tracks your ovulation. Health notes which you do not want to share can be saved in this app. You can even change the settings to pregnancy mode and then keep a full track of the daily activity which you do. This app is the best period tracker app Android 2018. Download it now Android users and make the most use of this app.

4.My Calendar – Period Tracker android / iphone

Many people have downloaded this period tracker app. Just simply track your cycle, schedule reminder and take notes of your daily activity regarding the matter. To make it private this app provides you with a password with whose help only you can open this particular app. The display and animation in this app are very good and neat. Download this app now and make it yours. It is the best period tracker app Android 2018.

5.Maya – Period, Fertility, Ovulation & Pregnancy android / iphone

It automatically predicts the correct and accurate time of fertility. In this way, you can keep a track of your monthly cycle. Best period tracker app Android 2018. If you have any problems regarding the matter you can even share it with the community and get useful answers. You can even compare and know your body functioning even better as it saves your previous issues too. Easy to use this app. Android users can download it for free from the play store.

6.Period Tracker, Ovulation Calendar & Fertility app android 

This app is new and has already got so many downloads which surely means that people are being familiar with the app and its functions. If you don’t want people to see your personal information stored in this app then you are very lucky as this app comes as password protected and only you can unlock it on the time of need. Best period tracker app Android 2018. Keep a track of your ovulation and period with the help of this app as it helps you in doing so. This reliable app even calculates and stores your moods and cycle even gives you important health reminders. Android friendly app.

7.Period Tracker android / iphone

As the name suggests it is the best period tracker app Android 2018. If you are having an irregular period and forget every time that when did u last had your cycle then this app is really good for all the ladies out there. This personal period tracker is really important for every lady as it keeps reminding you about your cycle and to be cautious of the surprise in every month. Android users can download this app for free and be tension free.

8.Period tracker Period calendar android / iphone

It is the best period tracker app iOS 2018. Helps you in giving you information related to your future period, pregnancy, a health note for the day and also keeps a track of previous cycles. This helps you in comparing with the previous cycle. iOS compatible app.

9.Period Tracker: Ovulation app android / iphone

Simple and easy to use this app. Period tracker app keeps a check on the ovulation, period and fertility. It is the best period tracker app iOS 2018. You can also add pill reminder to this app but first, you have to sign up in this app. it gives you reminders and makes you prepared for your period which will be coming. iOS-friendly app.

10.Period Diary (Period, Fertile & Ovulation Tracker)  iphone

Get ready to have the app password protected and then save all the notes regarding your day during period time. It has 20 moods styles for you and 30 symptoms which you can mark in the app. It is the best period tracker app iOS 2018. The skin of the app and display of this particular app are very eye appealing and you will love the working of this app. This app covers your missing periods, ovulation, pregnancy. This period diary is a very good app for all the ladies out there. iOS users download this app now.


So these were some of the best top 10-period tracker app Android/iOS 2018 for you which can help you to keep a track of your monthly cycle. You will be alert and prepared for your period and can consult a doctor immediately if something unusual happens which might make you concerned about your health. If you found the information helpful and good then please do share and comment.