Top 10 Amazing and Unusual Cat Towers

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10

Top 10 Amazing and Unusual Cat Towers

Is your pet moggy looking a little bored? Why not spice up their lives and get a cat tower! It’s a safe place for them to sleep as well as a play center for them to climb and explore. Here are ten such examples of them, but all made in very unusual styles and shapes…

Top 10 Amazing and Unusual Cat Towers


Super Mario Cat Tower

10 – Super Mario

This would have made my list for the Piranha Plant bed at the top of the tower, but the rest is just an added bonus.

Castle Cat Tower

9 –Castle

Is your kitty kind of the house? Why not make them kind of their very own castle with the castle cat tower! This one like most of these you will come to see are all sadly handmade, so you will simply have to make your own.

AT ST Cat Tower

8 – AT-ST

If your cat loves Star Wars more than Star Fish Bites maybe this tower would be best for him. Just make sure those gun turrets don’t work, because he will use them given half the chance.

Lighthouse Cat Tower

7 – Lighthouse

Is your cat big on seafood? Why not teach your cat about keeping those valuable fishermen safe from the rocks.

The Giraffe Cat Tower

6 – Giraffe

Why not stick your neck out and get your cat this very Safari themed Giraffe tower so your cat can reach the tallest of tree branches.

Star Trek Cat Tower

5 – Star Trek

Featuring 2 spaceships and the DS9 Space Station, it is a cat tree that would make any Trekkie cat very proud indeed. They would think it was the cats whiskers!

Modern Design Cat Tower

4 – Modern Design

Made by Oliver Kiege this cat tower has a certain retro theme about it. Yeah, even cats like modern sculpture!

Voltron Cat Tower

3 – Voltron

Voltron: Defender of the Universe was an animated television series and it seems also the inspiration for a robotic cat tower! Even I would want to play and sleep on this.

Fairy Tree Cat Tower

2 – Fairy Tree

Does your cat like to think she is the Princess of the house? Why not give her a fairy tree throne for her to roost upon. It will look great in any home and offers lots of play and sleeping opportunities for your pet.

TARDIS Cat Tower


If the Doctor allowed cats on the TARDIS they would probably live inside one of these. It seems some cats get all the space they need!