Top 10 Amazing and Unusual Bottle Stoppers

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10

Are you the type of person who makes a bottle of wine last several days? Well, shame on you, you should down it in one night. OK, so that is bad advice. But what is good advice is buying one of these bottle stoppers for keeping that undrunk wine nice and fresh…

Top 10 Amazing and Unusual Bottle Stoppers


Flamingo Wine Bottle Stoppers

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They are the perfect party stopper. But only use then when the party is truly over.

Skull Wine Bottle Stoppers

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I’m not sure how you are supposed to drink out of it and stop the end into a bottle at the same time, but it looks cool at least.

Pickle Wine Bottle Stoppers

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My grandpa always said to me “when you have had enough to drink stick a pickle in it.” OK, so he was always drunk whenever he said it, but maybe that was because he didn’t have this pickle.

Banana Wine Bottle Stoppers

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I just hope these work better than the time I tried doing the same thing with a real banana.

Plunger Wine Bottle Stoppers

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They normally help unblock things, but this one helps to keep them blocked! Plumbing at it’s best.

Facebook “Like” Wine Bottle Stoppers

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It’s always fun to give wine the “thumbs up” but not when it is to give it the stopper down.

Star Wars: R2-D2 Wine Bottle Stoppers

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You have to stop the empire from…well, drinking too much! When you have had enough wine, this is the droid you are looking for.

Happy Man Wine Bottle Stoppers

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This little guy looks so happy to be stopping the bottles flow with his…well…you know…pant stopper!

Send Wine Wine Bottle Stoppers

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I’m not sure why you need to send a message to get more wine, when you would only use a stopper if you had wine in it to stop. Oh well, more wine is always welcomed.

Genie Wine Bottle Stoppers

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You should never remove the Genie from the bottle as it will often bring more bad luck than good. But the wine is magical so who needs a genie anyway.

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