Tomatoes - Squeezing in a Few More!

By Mwillis
You know what I'm like with tomatoes (and chillis) - I find it hard to part with any of them, even when I have "too many"...  Well, I have given away a load of my spares, but I still have more than I had originally planned to keep. The thing is, my big coldframe was just about empty, so I have re-configured it to accommodate three more tomato plants!

I have re-positioned the narrow top shelf, so that it is in the middle position now

On this shelf are two plants of "Maskotka", a bush / trailing variety, and the plan is for them to trail down from their lofty position. The height of those sticks is such that I can just close the lid of the coldframe if necessary.

Down below, positioned centrally, is one plant of "Losetto", another bush variety, but one which is supposed to benefit from staking. I'll not let it grow taller than the height of the shelf. "Losetto" has the added benefit of being very blight-resistant.

The fact that these plants will be effectively under cover even with the lid and doors of the coldframe open, will give some protection from the airborne spores of blight anyway.