TLC Tattoo Girls

By Bearbottomproductions @BearBottomProd

Springfield, MO... Yeah not really there.. If I was, there would be me, sitting outside Ink Ink wondering, "How can a local business that depends on its city and surrounding area basically take a crap all over it?"

Reality TV, trying to get views, anything for the money... Yeah, those could be some of the reasons for saying what they said, but then again, do you bite the hand that feeds you?

Kelsey stated the following in their show promo clip (which can be viewed HERE), "Springfield's very close-minded and very religious, Everyone in Springfield has kids already ... Nobody tell anybody in Springfield I said that!"

Well... Kelsey... They have heard and they are not happy. Apparently from Comments and users on Facebook, they are not to happy about your work or your show either.

She calls on Brad Pitt to come into her shop to get some work done. I plea that he does not. Personally, if I was Brad Pitt I would go to town and announce that you are looking to get a tattoo, then casually walk down the street, pausing for a minute in front of Ink Ink looking around... Thinking out loud, "I though there use to be a good shop here?", then continue on.

Lets hear what you have to say in regards to this Springfield and World!!! What should TLC do about Ink Ink Springfield??? VOTE!!!

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