1 - Make A To-Do List
Making lists gets me through the day. Make a list in the morning of all the things you need and want to get through. Work through the list as the day goes on and that way at night time you're not over thinking about things you need to do or bills you forgot to pay. An empty mind will definitely help your sleep patterns.
2 - Turn Off All Devices.
There's no point keeping your eyes and mind awake by looking at your phone or ipad right before bed. Yes it's tempting and you don't need to get rid of it. I put a time limit on myself of 15 minutes to scroll through social media and apps BEFORE I get ready for bed. By doing it before you get ready for bed, you start the process of winding down and will create a routine for yourself.
3 - Clean Bedding
Obviously you can't change your bedding everyday, but it's recommended that you change it once a week. I'm a bad human being so I change mines every 2 weeks. Some people leave their existing bedding on for a month or more before changing it. Fresh bedding and fresh PJ's after a shower will instantly make you feel relaxed which in turn will help you to sleep.
4 - Diet
Many people eat a supper before bed or drink a coffee. Caffeine stimulates our bodies and minds so you should always try to wind down the coffee (or try a caffeine free alternative!) before bed. I definitely would recommend you don't eat right before bed either as your body will start to 'work' on your digestive system causing you to be more 'awake' at bedtime.
5 - A New Mattress!
This sounds pretty obvious, but if you have the same mattress that you had 10 years ago, it might be worth changing it to help your sleep posture. If you're spending the night avoiding some springs which have popped through or the dip where your body has made a 'mould' then you are unlikely to sleep well.
Adjustmamatic has a video which talks about sleep posture and how to get a good night's sleep, so be sure to check out the video.
What are your tips for getting a good night's sleep?
H x
*This was written in collaboration with Adjustamatic.