Tiny Tuesdays: L'Oreal Gentle Eye Make-Up Remover

By Twoplicates

1) Rimmel Scandaleyes 2) Koji Dollywink 3) Bobbi Brown Long-Wear Gel Liner 4) Monaliza Eyebrow Pencil 5) Majolica Majorca Lash Expander1) NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil 2) Maybelline Colour Tattoos 3) Urban Decay Naked Basics
Today's Tiny Tuesday will focus on L'Oreal's Gentle Eye Makeup Remover. As the name suggests, this product claims to "gently yet thoroughly remove all traces of eye makeup." Above I've done a few swatches using an extensive array of eye makeup products to test out this claim.
The Pluses:As you can see, the L'Oreal Gentle Eye Makeup Remover does a hella good job; removing pretty much all types of eye makeup. This includes removing those with waterproof formulas which is fairly impressive considering it is not a bi-phase makeup remover. One thing that I love about this remover is that is gentle and refreshing. After applying I don't get any redness or stinging on my eyes. It honestly feels like I'm taking my makeup off with water and you don't get that oily residue that you do with others. Sometimes I even rub my foundation off with this and it still works haha. In my personal opinion I think this is very comparable to the Bioderma Crealine H20 Micellaire in both formula and it's ability to take off eye makeup.  If you were to place two of them on cotton pads, switch them around (like them magicians do) I don't think I'd be able to tell the difference. 
The Minuses:
From the mascara swatch, you can see that there is some product left over. The product does remove the majority of mascara but there is some residue and it doesn't completely take it off. This result is fairly similar to what I get when I use the Bioderma Crealine H20 Micellaire on mascara as well if you wanted the comparison. Another thing is the packaging is not very travel friendly. As you can see, the opening is just a hole so product can leak through if it isn't placed upright. However L'oreal has repackaged this product twice now (shows how long I've had it for) so I don't think it's much of a concern anymore
The Overalls:
If you're looking for a gentle eye makeup remover and you don't have heavy staying, strongly waterproof eye makeup - I highly recommend this! It's super gentle and refreshing :)
The Rating: 4/5