Time Was...

By Vickilane


Looking through my pictures for something to post, this called to me. Taken on one of the walks through our woods, one where I used to take the dogs (that's Molly, a sweet Golden mix I inherited when her person went to a nursing home--Molly and my friend are both long gone now.)

This is the mental health walk I used to take every day when my invalid (and cranky) mother-in-law was living with us.

It was down this leafy path that I was dragged on my belly by our two Akitas, who, in determined pursuit of a squirrel, jerked me over. I didn't let go and eventually managed to pull them to a stop.

And this was the path on which I visualized Elizabeth Goodweather (Old Wounds) having a brief, guilty encounter with an attractive neighbor . . .

Good times--not forgotten.