Last year my goals were different but the challenge was still a perfect fit. Amanda made changes last year that converted counting miles to counting minutes. I loved that change as it leveled the playing field but don't get scared, competition isn't the primary focus. The focus is support and striving to incorporate healthy changes in your life. One change at a time is usually a good way to go since it is easier to stick to and to adopt. Last year I wanted to round out my fitness routine to go beyond running. I did. Some of those elements I added in have slipped away so it is time to refocus. The perfect time to join in again.
Last year I mentioned I joined in on HBBC to be motivated. Amanda questioned whether I needed motivation since I was running daily, and still am by the way. Today is day 684 of my running streak. Perhaps motivation isn't the right word. Inspiration. That is a better word. The ladies that get involved in this are inspiring. Amanda inspires me. I loved checking in daily and seeing how our HBBC group was doing not only to say where I was and what I was up to but to hear what hurdles you are overcoming. It is awesome! And you know ladies love to chat and runners LOVE to talk running!
Yes, there is a cost to join in but as Amanda points out, it is less than a gym membership. And it is worth giving up a purchased indulgence here and there if necessary. Amanda works her butt off organizing and managing this. She has secured over $3,000 in prizes and I can state from personal experience that takes time and effort. I do it in my full time job - ask for donations to a great cause for door prizes, etc. It is hard. You get alot of no's or perhaps no replies for each yes. And she cares about you. Her forms even allow you to input if you have any special dietary restrictions. She cares. She will not be giving whey protein to a lady on a no dairy diet - I have faith in that.
I care about you too.
I can't wait until this challenge begins! It runs from November 17-January 5. What are you waiting for? Why not join me today? And if you do, can you please let Amanda know I sent you her way. Thanks a bunch.And no, I wasn't paid to write this post. No bribery was involved either. I am writing this because I truly believe in this challenge and enjoy being a part of it. This is my third year for going back for more. That should tell you something!
Have a beautiful day!
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful that Amanda is still hosting HBBC.
Daily Affirmation: My honesty makes me a beautiful woman.