Time to Fess Up: Curl Confessions

By A Mused Blog @Amusedblog
Can we talk about curls for a minute? Lately there has been a "curl confessions" campaign swirling around the blogersphere, and that great. I'm all for embracing the natural curl: hurray curls! However, I have a bone to pick with the marketing director of Paul Mitchell. I have just one question to ask: Do you know what a curl looks like?
Here are some of the bloggers and the photos that they have posted with "Curl Confessions" in their blog title for the launch of this campaign:
 Saucy Glossy's Curl Confessions post 
 Song of Style Confessions post 
 This Time Tomorrow's Curl Confessions post - and in her post she admits that she doesn't even have curly hair.
 Eat Sleep Wear's Curl Confessions post 
 My Style Pill's Curl Confessions post
Are those curls?! Am I, a bonafide purist when it comes to curly hair supposed to believe that these women have any words of wisdom to impart to me - to anyone - with curly hair? I mean...Am I missing something here? I don't know what baffles me more: the fact that a hair company thought "yeah, that's curly hair" when they selected their bloggers, or the fact that these bloggers honestly thought that they could say "hey look at my curly hair!" and that people would believe them.
For me personally, this is almost insulting. It's marketing campaigns like these that causes women with curly hair to have such a complex with their hair in the first place. I want to see this product advertised with someone who actually has curly hair - and by curly I don't mean waves, or curls that were produced by a curling iron.
I was able to find two bloggers who participated in this campaign, and they actually do have natually curly hair:
 Claire of De Lune's Curl Confessions post
 Karen of Where Did U Get That's Curl Confessions post
Any thoughts?