Tim Tebow Does It Again, Chris Paul To LA Clippers, Albert Pujols To The Angels: Beard and Stache Podcast

By Beardandstache @BeardAndStache

Tim Tebow Does It Again, Chris Paul To LA Clippers, Albert Pujols To The Angels: Beard and Stache Podcast

Photo: Getty Images

Your hosts Troy Ballard and Adam Parker break down the biggest news from around the sports world, giving you news and opinion on the hottest players, teams, and moves!
It's Gotta Be Magic: Tim Tebow gets the Denver Broncos another overtime win, this time against a far superior defense, how does the Florida-Kid keep the magic alive when the game is on the line?
Chris Paul To Another LA Team: The Lakers may have missed their chance at landing Chris Paul, but it looks like he may be headed to the Staples Center anyway, but to don a Clippers jersey. Good, bad, or ugly for the Lakers, and what does this mean for the Clippers?
The Biggest Fish is An Angel: The Angels landed the biggest free agent this MLB off-season in Albert Pujols, with a whopping 10-year deal. Did the Angels make the right choice in brining in The Machine, or did they go overboard and will regret it down the line?
Axed in Kansas City: Chiefs Head Coach Todd Haley was fired with three games remaining in the season, despite a long list of injuries. Did KC make the right choice in firing a coach that led them to the AFC West title just one year ago?
This and more, as Beard and Stache chat sports!