Tidying up My Beauty Stash Using KonMari and My DIY Method

By Ireviewuread

Tidying up my Beauty Stash

Chinese New Year is round the corner and that means it's time to tidy up my house. With a moon sign in Virgo, I am naturally neat. With my mother's sun sign in Virgo, I am trained to organise items all the time so my home is rather neat in general. The one place that's in a constant mess is my Beauty stash.

Due to what I do, my Beauty stash is always growing. Thus the contents in the space is always changing. I used to have this pink organiser to fit the various kinds of samples I collected. These days, I have more normal sized products than samples so my whole system have to change.

With the application from my DIY drawer tutorial, I created 2 smaller drawers to expand the space in my cardboard, giving me more space to put stuff. After some time, I created homes for my masks, hair car products, body products, facial products and other samples.

Did the KonMari method saved me from hoarding?

I feel like she gave great tips on how to organise your shelfs and clothing. To appreciate the stuff that you're given and not take to everything for granted. However, if you were to ask me to identify things that spark joy I would say everything unless they are expired - because I'm a cheapskate that hates throwing stuff unless needed to.

Would it cure a hoarder from hoarding stuff? I don't think so because extreme hoarding is due to some deep psychological aspects. However, it would inspire some people to get off their butt and clean up so that's always good.

on the other hand

Happy Chinese New Year!