Tidy Tidy Tidy.

By Fashionmakeupandbeauty @_melissajayne

I must admit im pretty pants at keeping my make-up/blogging area tidy im not going to lie. I call it an organized mess, i know where everything is. However its been grinding on me for the last couple of days and i woke up this morning with every intention of cleaning it seen as it was my daytime off work so i did.
While watching a few of my favorite youtubers Lily Melrose, Viviannadoesmakeup and Lily Pebbles so i didn't get to bored and wonder off, it got me through the task and whala! i could see the white of my desk again.
I got abit carried away while tidying and changed up my muji make-up storage swapping out my lipstick holder and rearranging my draws. I'm so much more happier with the way it looks now and alot more tidier.
Finished result:

Does anyone else leave it till they really have to tidy there desk or are you pretty good at keeping on top of it?