Thursday Wishlist #9

By Behindtheseclosedeyes @theseclosedeyes

Another week has flown by and now I'm back with another list of products that I'd quite like to have in my life..
After falling in love with my NARS One Night Stand palette from the Guy Bourdin collection and seeing Amy's post (link) about the NARS Promiscuous Lip Pencil Coffret, I feel as though this set needs to be in my life. There's a gorgeous selection of lip colours in there and what looks like a dreamy formula for each so I think it's a dream come true for lip product junkies like me. Unfortunately it's out of stock on the Space.NK website right now but hopefully it comes back before Christmas!
As well as being a bit of a lip product junkie, I'm a major nail polish junkie and have been so impressed with the latest offerings from Essie. So much so that I feel like I'm including at least one shade in each wishlist, so well done Essie! The shades I've been drooling over this week are A Cut Above and Shearling Darling which are both new releases for Winter 2013 (or at least a UK release for A Cut Above). I'm finding myself turning to glitter topcoats a lot more now that we're getting closer to Christmas and I really couldn't resist the gorgeous deep wine color of Shearling Darling.
I've heard so much about the new Honeymania range from The Body Shop and after having a good look on the website for goodies to buy (I blame all of the recent discount codes!), the Honeymania Bubble Bath Melt caught my eye. There's nothing I love more than coming home from work and running myself a nice bubble bath, and this tub of honey & floral infused bubble bath melt looks like it would be perfect. I've heard great things about this product as it creates lots of lovely bubbles and is also very moisturising for the skin so I really can't say no. I think it'll be a little pre-Christmas treat for me!
The last item on my wishlist is the MUA Undress Me Too palette which has been likened to the Naked 2 palette and what's even better is that it's only £4. I already own the Undressed palette from MUA which is said to be a dupe for the original Naked palette and have absolutely loved the shade range in the palette, so I'd like to try this one out as well. I'm all about the neutral shades so this selection of colours is right up my street and it's an absolute steal so I can't say no.