Thursday Wishlist #4

By Behindtheseclosedeyes @theseclosedeyes
I haven't done a Thursday wishlist in a couple of weeks now but it's back with a bang this week as I look forward to some Autumn inspired purchases. Last week's #bbloggers chat all about A/W got me right in the mood for jumpers, cosy nights in and plenty of berry & burgundy shades so I had to include some new seasonal wants in this post. 

Cosy jumpers pretty much sum up Autumn fashion for me and with so many different patterns and colours there's going to be one for everyone's taste. This Zara Two Tone Knit Sweater is right up my street as I'm still enjoying the monochrome trend and I think the added black edging sets it apart from other black & white jumpers out there. I've been hearing so much about lip crayons and in particular the Bourjois Colour Boost Lip Crayon in Peach On The Beach which looks like such a pretty and glossy peach shade on the lips. Lip crayons are so quick and easy to use and I'd love to give this one a try as I love Bourjois so much already. Recently I've been reaching for eyeshadows a lot more and have really taken a liking to the "warm antique gold" shade of MAC Woodwinked. I think this would be an amazing A/W colour on the eyes and would also be perfect for glitzy eyes at Christmas time! The final item I've been lusting over is the Zara Mini Office City Bag in burgundy, perfect Autumn colour or what? I already own and adore the original Office City Bag but find that it's a bit too big for everyday use unless you need to be carrying around a laptop, iPad, folders or anything else that needs a bit more room. The mini version of the bag looks like a great size and the colour makes me love it even more as I usually tend to stick with black or brown when it comes to handbags.