Thursday Wishlist #10

By Behindtheseclosedeyes @theseclosedeyes
Today's wishlist is all about Christmas jumpers since it's just that time of year! I have to admit that I've never actually gone out and bought a specific Christmas jumper as I always thought that they would just look tacky, but this year I've changed my mind and gravitated towards quite a few. This year it looks as though I'm drawn to reindeer and for good reason too as the jumpers below are just so cute, and what I like about the more plain looking one on the end is that it's subtle but still Christmassy. Have you got your Christmas jumper yet?

Flying Reindeer Jumper: Miss Selfridge, Brave Soul Reindeer Fairisle Jumper: New Look Cream Reindeer Fluffy Christmas Jumper: New Look, Knitted Jumper: H&M