Thursday Thoughts: On Struggling

By Fitnspicy @fitnspicy

This blog has always been my creative outlet and I try very hard to stay positive and keep it upbeat, but 2014 has been a pretty challenging year. I will come right out and say there have been a few days/week that have been downright horrible. There won’t be lists of all the reasons and this won’t turn into a bit complain fest. Instead I am choosing to focus on a few positive things:

  • Girls nights this Saturday with a few dear friends
  • Having a feeling that SOMETHING good is going to happen. And soon.
  • Cleaning, organizing and just getting rid of clutter!
  • We are getting a puppy next spring. He will be a hunting dog and a much bigger dog than I am used to but I have already searched cute dog beds for him. Can’t wait to figure out all the details.

In my 33 years I have learned a thing or two about dealing with life’s struggles:

  • Let go. There is no need to constantly worry about those things that I can’t control. That is easier said than done but I am working really hard on it.
  • Stop reading certain blogs. I found myself in the comparison trap with a few other bloggers who are pretty negative when they really don’t need to be. Solution. Stop reading them! Their complaints about tiny problems were annoying me so much. This isn’t just about bloggers either. I have hid people on Facebook and even unfriended them. I don’t need their negativity bringing me down.
  • Knowing that I will never be like everyone else. I don’t want to be!

Thursday Thoughts: On Struggling

  • Being unique is something I have always strived for.  I do my own thing and live my own life. That keeping up with the Jones’ mentaility just isn’t there for me. I don’t want to be them! I want to be me. Surrounding myself with a large social network and a few very close and trusted friends has helped that. These friends don’t fit a mold but they are all special in their own way!

Thursday Thoughts: On Struggling

If I end up taking a few days off from blogging here and there I am doing that for me. I will always keep a space to write and be creative. While it may not always be pubic I need that time to write. 5+ years of constantly blogging has brought me so many amazing opportunities. Some of my best friends have come from the blogging/social media community.

I am here. I will keep writing, cooking, drinking wine, working out, and traveling. A Fit and Spicy Life may not get 1 million hits but I write for me about the things that I like. I don’t fit a mold and don’t plan on that changing anytime soon. Keep coming back and checking out what I have to say. You will always be reading 100% Mellissa.

See you tomorrow with my regular Fitness Friday post.