As you can see from the chart on the right, Greece's $360Bn in debt is mainly owed to the EFSF – the European Financial Stability Facility, which has loaned Greece $162Bn since 2010, rolling over half their debt into this "bailout" fund.
Of course, it's not actually a bailout fund if you have to pay it back, with interest. Fortunately, for Greece, the interest costs are low (2% over EURIBOR, which is almost 0) but that's not really the point when Greece couldn't pay the original debts in the first place so adding more debt and more interest certainly wasn't going to help.
With the uncovered shenanigans, the cost of borrowing shot up for Greece and they were rolling debt over at 10-20%, putting them $30-50Bn more in debt each year on interest alone until the EFSF was formed in June of 2010 and began to roll Greece's debt at more normalized rates. But it was too late – the damage was done because two years of EU dithering had cost Greece $100Bn.
That's not how bonds are supposed to work! People putting the screws to a country for 20% interest on loans know damned well those loans have a high likelihood of default. Not in the EU, apparently.
At the same time, the ECB formed The Troika of the EU Government, the ECB and the IMF, who imposed harsh austerity budgets on Greece that sent their economy into a tailspin, even as the rest of the World was in a recovery.
That's why Greece is, once again, at the breaking point and, once again, we're talking about a default but this isn't about Greece – this is about Italy, Spain and Portugal, who are the next dominoes to fall if Greece hits the fan.
On the other hand, a default by Greece could be even worse. Not because they would default on their obligations – in the grand scheme of things it's not a lot of Global Money. No, the danger is that, like Iceland, they default on their debts, turn their economy around and come out much better off than had they continued down the doomed path of austerity. THAT is a lesson The Troika (or any of the World's Creditors) doesn't want taught!
It's earnings season in the markets – the time of year when we reward the Masters who get the most work out of their Slaves and pay them the least. Meanwhile, while we're distracted, the Trans Pacific Partnership looks to send us further down the road to serfdom by allowing US Masters to outsource Millions of additional jobs. You don't hear anything about this "Trade Pact" in the MSM because the MSM is owned by the people who benefit from this deal so, shhhhhhhh…
As economic crisis left much of the developing World in dire straights, IMF and World Bank debt programs helped pry open their markets for foreign investment, undermining indigenous industries and placing them in a sisyphean struggle against default – like Greece!
It's all part of the Global takeover by the top 1%. They have lots of money, so they can be patient and push their agenda through. TPP has been in the works for 3 years now and will effect BILLIONS of people but our MSM is silent about it, focusing instead on the nonsense of the moment. While we are distracted by the latest "—gate" scandal, the economy is being taken over by essentially the same people we had a revolution to throw out 250 years ago.
Shame on us for forgetting.
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