Three Minutes.

By Zen_sheila @BeZensational

During the 3 minutes it will take you to read this post, approximately 1074 babies will have been born, and approximately 624 people will have died worldwide.  Quite mind boggling when you stop and think about that.  So much happiness, tears of joy, tears of sadness, grief and elation all at the same moments throughout the world in one short time frame.  Just 3 minutes.  Here I sit pecking away typing this post and there’s new life and death all around me.  Souls coming in, souls going out.  All without much of a thought other than the screen directly in front of me.  These three minutes are not life altering for me… for thousands of others it is literally life and death.

Births (worldwide)  are about 358 per minute.  For months, inside the womb, they are comforted and snug.  Everything required to sustain is provided for them without request.  The journey will begin with the first gasp of air to fill untouched lungs.  The lifeline is severed, and new bonds are formed.  A tiny individual begins their adventure.  We don’t know how long the trip will last or where it will lead, but each and every breath after the first will log an incredible journey.

A journey of love and laughter, heartbreak and sorrow.  With every lesson learned, every thought imagined, every action and reaction – they will leave an imprint on another’s life.  It doesn’t matter if they are within reach or if the two paths will ever cross – impressions have been left upon each of us through the actions of another soul.  From the moment of birth we are striving to become an individual, our own person.  In the end we realize we are part of a greater good.  A greater system;  a higher system.  Touching each other in ways we will simply never imagine nor understand.

Deaths (worldwide) are about 208 per minute.   With the very last breath they depart.  Some amidst confusion or pain, some with peaceful surroundings.  There will be those who have someone holding their hand, and others seemingly alone.  Although with 208 souls leaving every minute, you are never truly alone. There will someone taking this journey back home with you.  Maybe someone you’ve known before, in this life or another.

Sorrows, human bonds, desires, ties – all severed from the soul with the last breath.  All these worldly experiences cast behind them for loved ones to mourn over.  With not a humanly care, but rather a refreshing end, to a cumbersome body.  A refreshing new beginning for the soul.  I would imagine it would be like swimming in blue jeans and the feeling of taking them off.

I wonder if at some point – those on the way in and those on the way out – if they meet – these souls.