Thought Bubbles: Life Got to Be More Interesting Than Just Work

By Vivianism @vivianism

I've headed back to work after a 2 weeks plus long break, dealing with meetings after meetings and preparing for a presentation that will be held like what, tomorrow?

Nonetheless, I'm really thankful for the long break. The break was long awaited because unlike other people, I cannot take the time off as and when I like. And when it gets so unbearable, I just have to push it through. So I took the break to travel around, spent time with my family and love ones, ate plenty of good food, sleep a lot and sometimes do nothing. The feeling of not waking up at 545am and the chance to fall back to sleep slightly after waking up is simply awesome.

After coming back from travelling, I finished up Nicholas Spark's See me, started on Me before you and also getting back to the gym after a long break. I am also excited about Les Miserable and Ignorland!

I was sitting alone at TCC with my kindle after my gym (I do enjoy spending time alone like this) and a thought struck me. Why was I so reluctant to get back to work? I know everything about vacation blues but I was just wondering what is there to be blue about if I could make my work hours meaningful and then continue to lead my life after that.

Very often, I would just head home after work because that's just how tired I am. But I'm thinking I should make a change. I think it's high time I stop feeling so lethargic because sometimes it's all in the mind. Taking the time to do the things I wanna do is important. So I've decided that I'm gonna try and make 2 nights my own time to do what I want to do (like gymming, chilling somewhere or watching a movie/play).

Life got to be more interesting than just work and feeling tired.
And now I need to warm up my engine to prepare for another 10 weeks battle. Honestly, nobody is ever ready for that. But come what may ....