This Week I Learned Pt II

By Christopher De Voss @chrisdevoss has this great feature called: Today I Learned, which complies little interesting and trivial facts about random things.

We here at Long Awkward Pause have gathered a sample of some that we found worthy of mention:


The price of admission for a zoo in 18th century England was a dog or a cat — they were fed to the lions.

The BBC was going to wipe the Monty Python series to re-use the tapes. Terry Gilliam, at the last minute, saved the tapes by buying them outright from the BBC and storing them in his attic.

 Chocolate Milk was invented in Ireland

Originally there were plans to send Big Bird into space- aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger. Ultimately the Muppet was too large, and the educator slot was filled by Christa McAuliffe.

Guard donkeys are used to protect livestock and can even kill predators like coyotes

The British power grid must prepare for and predict moments of heavy refrigerator and kettle use for breaks during pivotal sport games and soap opera episodes.

 Jingle Bells is actually a Thanksgiving song.

The phrase “the bees knees” is a shortened/evolved version of the phrase “the b’s and e’s,” which is a shortening of “the be all and end all.”

The national animal of North Korea is the Chollima, a mythical winged horse that they made up.

Michael Jackson was granted a patent for a device he invented for the Smooth Criminal video, it’s a special type of shoe that allows you to lean forward over your center of gravity without falling over.



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