This & That

By Fashionlushxx @fashionlushxx

( ZD’s new wall art // Pee Wee Herman deck )

You know you had a good weekend when you wake up with a cold come Monday… it’s a good thing it’s gross out so I don’t have to feel guilty about staying in my cheetah robe all day while OD-ing on tea. I am just grateful it came AFTER the weekend so I didn’t have to miss out on any weekend fun…

… which included a mini photo shoot with Marie Claire (more on that later), a night at the drive-in for the Creature video premiere, the first BBQ of the season, and a visit to the bar for the Typical Culture zine #4 release party.

Now, the only shots I will be taking for the next few days are ones of ACV (my go-to remedy for any sickness).

( no reason roses are the best kind )

( these books are ON SALE NOW at B&N, love love LOVE the artwork )

( ch-ch-check out TYPICAL CULTURE and pass it on )

( succulents at the skatepark, I am digging the creativity )
