This & That

By Fashionlushxx @fashionlushxx

Happy Monday ladies!! Basically, this weekend consisted a lot of recovery for both me and my little Bitzy. Friday she went in for a normal teeth cleaning, and left with one less tooth. Getting a tooth pulled is not fun for humans or dogs… trust that. She was seriously like David After the Dentist for a whole two days. I was also (finally) getting over my cold so we laid low majority of the weekend.

I did get out of the house a little bit both Saturday and Sunday cause my body was itching for some vitamin D. Saturday… play date with all my baby friends & their hot mamas. Sunday…. errands, mini golf, some brews, and I even got to hold a lobster. All in all, today I am feeling rested and reallllly excited for Thanksgiving coming soon .

Can’t wait to be back in San Fran & get some quality family time. Not to mention, I love me a good tryptophan coma.

+ Beanie season is finalllly here, and my head is nice & toasty. Obviously I am going through a cat ear phase with my latest hat purchase & my adorable new iPhone case that I am obsessed with (equally, if not more, cute one found here).

+ Spent the day with all the little babies at the park at my elementary school, it was a real blast from the past. Oh the days when I was brave enough to do a cherry bomb…

+ Larry the Lobster, who I tried to steal and set free… it didn’t work ! On the brighter side, I am pretty stoked it was cold enough out to wear my new jacket c/o Rails- comfiest and cutest jacket I own!! It will be perffff for San Fran next week.

+ If you shop at Trader Joes, put this coconut body butter on your grocery list.  It is seriously insanely delicious!!