“This Is Amazing for Me”

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Our new two-week low-carb challenge continues to bring massive success. So far this year over 25,000 people have signed up for FREE guidance, meal plans, recipes, shopping lists, troubleshooting tips, etc.

What could happen if you were to take the challenge? Here's some of the feedback from this week:

Hi Andreas,

I have started on a LCHF diet and have lost 4 kg (9 lbs.) in 2 weeks. This is amazing for me as I have not ever had weight loss despite trying everything known.

My metabolism is so slow that only a 500 calorie diet gives me any weight loss and as soon as I return to normal healthy eating I gain all weight and then some.

I am hoping to have success as I have read on your site but just wanted to thank you for the opportunity to heal myself and have access to all this eye opening and informative material to help educate myself.

Just now I stopped mid breakfast as I remembered your eat only when hungry and eat until your full mantra. I am not one to walk away from a breakfast plate normally but I feel full and fantastic!!

Many thanks again


It works. I had been trying to go low carb but had no success. (I'm almost 80 and have been overweight but not obese most of my life). Since beginning the challenge, I lost 8 pounds (3 kg).

The most useful part of the plan is the meal plan. And, looking at the recipes I realized that what I had been doing wrong was that I was not eating ENOUGH FAT!!

I will continue and plan to become a "member."


This is the easiest most effective diet I have ever been on.

In 14 days I lost 8 pounds (3 kg) and my blood sugar has gone from average of 145 fasting to average of 119 the very first day and has been there ever since.

I am never hungry and I feel much more energetic then before.

Most days I have to force myself to eat. I am now trying intermittent fasting (16-8) every other day.

I did not have any side effects that you said may happen. My only cheat is that I have 2 cups of coffee with cream and -here goes - 1 Splenda every morning, I just can't seem to give up the sweetener in my coffee.

Thank you very much for the education I am going to try to reduce my weight by 50 pounds and drop my waking blood sugar numbers to under 100.

Thanks again I will give an update in about 30 days. Wish me luck.


Thank you!

My sister found you first and did what she was supposed to do...SHE TOLD her family!

Well I took the bait and did the 2 week challenge... BUT what was the challenge? Your website is FULL of wonderfully accurate information, movies, testimonials and courses. For a geek like me that's all it took 😉

I'm now in my third week and thanks to the info on your page:

1. I've lost 2.7 kg (6 lbs.) and 2.5 cm (1 inch) off my waist

2. Am intermittently fasting about 3 times a week using the Magic Bullet Coffee 😀

3. Have been in ketosis (4) for about the last 9 days

4. Having fun "forgetting" food. I love that I'm never hungry

My sister and I will proceed and see what we can achieve! I am nursing still so I'm consuming about 60 -70 grams of carbs (extra veggies and fruits) each day.

THIS is a game changer and I'm so very grateful to have found your site and hear your about personal journey as well.



The food is awesome. I was able to loose 9 pounds & drop my night time Insulin from 38 units to 25 units.

I struggled with hunger the first few days. The second week I did find I did not eat as much food as I did the first week.

The side effects were not that bad if you drank water and bouillon as suggested. I drank the bouillon in the morning as suggested, I really enjoyed it.

I watched the videos and found them helpful. I found the success stories motivating.

Thank you for having your website available to me.


Dear Dr. Eenfeldt,

Thank you so much for all the great information.

I have been successful at losing weight with low-carb eating in the past but got back into a lifestyle of eating wrong.

I lost six pounds during the two week challenge but more important is how much better I feel.

I have a ton of energy, am sleeping better, have much less joint pain and most importantly my blood sugar is down and the
chronic yeast infections are gone. I will be continuing LCHF as my lifestyle, not a diet.

Thank you for your bonus video.

I use heavy cream in my tea and coffee and after watching your bonus video I will be drinking them black (I lost all the weight the first week and believe the extra
cream may be the reason for the stall).

Thank you for helping me to get on the right track to get my health back.


I think it was wonderful.

I regret not taking my measurements when I started as you suggested. My clothes are much looser, some are too loose to wear. The scale says I only lost 10 pounds (5 kg), but I feel and look as if I've lost much more.

Yesterday we had a pot luck dinner at church. I thought about not going because I didn't think I had the will power to stay low carb but decided to go. I was so pleased when I passed all the high carb food and only put low carb on plate. That was a first.

Thank you for the wonderful hints and suggestions. I am confident this is my new lifestyle.

Dear Dr. Eenfeldt,

I actually already did the Challenge a few months back; this was just a repeat/brush-up to help encourage us to keep going in the right direction.

My husband and I originally started the diet in the hopes that removing sugar from his system would help, even if just a little, to regulate his bipolar somewhat.

And we have discovered that YES, without the sugar fluctuations that he used to have, he can more control the mood swings that aggravate bipolar. We have had great success in that area.

However, although he lost 10 lbs. (5 kg), I lost only 2 lbs. (1 kg). And I have held steady at the same number for nearly 2 months.

I feel great and love the diet (no cravings at all), but I guess I need to restart and go back to the lower-carb recipes and include a little fasting to help jump start things. Every recipe we've made has been outstanding - and this has truly been the easiest eating plan we've followed. Thank you so much for introducing us to a healthier lifestyle.


Dear Andreas,

I must admit to being very skeptical about the low-carb diet, and it took a while for me to be ready to give it a go. However, having tried Slimming World (again!) and found that I was really struggling, I decided to give low-carb a try.

Two weeks in, I am much more convinced, having lost around 6 pounds (3 kg). I think that my body is still adjusting in some ways, but I have noticed that I do not crave sugar anything like as much as I used to.

So I am beginning week 3 and thinking that this might perhaps work!

Thank you - not least for the way you provide support and encouragement without putting pressure on those of us giving the diet a try.



Dear Dr. Andreas,
First off a very big "THANK YOU".

You are starting to change my whole thinking and way of life around from your revolutionary website and 2 week carb challenge, so very grateful to have found you, have signed up to become a member as it is a small price each month to pay for such a vast wealth of knowledge!

I feel the best I have felt since my teenage years, 3 weeks ago I took on your two week challenge properly - (I knew about your work about a year ago but did not follow the regime / lifestyle strict enough) I watched the presentations from yourself and Dr. Jason Fung and a few others, I cut my insulin completely off, I was only on a small dosage anyway - 6 units in morning and 24 units in evening of Insuman Comb 25.

I followed your two week challenge, absolutely superb, almost magical. My blood sugars reduced down almost immediately.

I am currently 10 lbs. (5 kg) lighter, 3.5 inches (9 cm) off my waist and feel like I have so much energy, no longer suffer from carb over indulgence (would always fall asleep after my meals).

Kind regards,


Hi Andreas,

I really enjoyed my 2 weeks. I wasn't able to stick to it for all the days as I had to travel, but what it did convince me of was that I am a sugar addict and giving up milk is astonishingly difficult!!! But, not having my hourly cups of tea (with milk) resulted in me not being hungry. So that is a huge step forward in The Battle of the Bulge.

I am reading that much dairy produce is not considered a healthy choice, so am trying to choose different fats as well. I will definitely continue to eat low carb, but as I am nearly at target weight I will probably be less focused than initially. But we shall see.

I really found the links to the articles on your site most helpful, and the photo-info sheets about low carb veg and fruit were easy to understand. The only reason I would not subscribe at this moment in time is that there is so much to read on your site, I would probably spend too much time there. I am still slowly making my way through the links from the emails of the last 2 weeks. There is lots to absorb and I tend to go over them a couple of times.

Thank you for this - it is a great service, and I am sure in time I will become a full time subscriber - just not quite yet.
