This Blog is Undergoing Gene Therapy Treatment!

By Davidduff

As of tomorrow this blog is undergoing gene therapy treatment including the insertion of new monkey glands and a portable drip feed of viagra!  We shall return, suitably invigorated, on Thursday - or so says the computer doctor - heh!  Thus rejuvenated, the non-stop yadda-yadda carefully composed and thoughtful insights into the problems of our poor old globe will once again resume their majestic flow driven by a new, er, 'driver' (don't ask!) and featuring the very latest really clever thing since he invented the last really clever thing from my new best mate Bill - and, pur-lease, don't ask, "Bill who?" 

It is possible, but not probable, that I might have assimilated enough of the five parts of Prof. Nick Land's essay, as linked to on Malcolm Pollack's site, to attempt some sort of intelligent comment.  It has been a very un-nerving experience to see various unformed, vague, unsettling and unsettled thoughts and premonitions that have occasionaly broken the surface of the sludge at the bottom of my brain all written out in cogent, if sometimes slightly dense, esoteric English - well, he's a prof of philosophy so it probably takes him several sentences to say 'good morning'!  Even so, it was re-assuring to realize that the ill-defined forebodings nurtured by a true third-rater like me are being discussed in the higher realms of the Academy.  And what I would have given to come up with the catch-phrase "The Dark Enlightenment" - bugger, I wish I had thought of it first