Thirty Weeks

By Heathernichole

How far along? Thirty weeks and six days. 

Baby's size? Baby is the size of a cantaloupe this week. 

Baby's nickname? Baby girl and her daddy and I call her by her name. We actually shared her name with our family and friends at our baby shower this past weekend. Separate blog post to come with her name and the story behind it. 

Maternity clothes? Yes, mostly wearing all maternity clothes. A few pre-pregnancy tops still fit but not many.Exercise? Just chores around the house and playing outside with the dogs. It doesn't take much to get my heart rate going these days. 
Sleep: Sleep was not so good this week because of my cold and being in my third trimester. I did get a saline rinse and that helped clear up my sinuses a lot so I was able to breathe for at least a night or two. And I take Benadryl before bed each night and that helps me sleep a bit. 

Best moment this week: Having my brother, sister-in-law and original fur baby home and our baby shower. We were definitely feeling the love that day! 
Miss anything? SLEEP! 

Movement: Lots and lots of movement. 

Food Cravings: Same as usual - carbs, carbs and more carbs. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope. I've only had cold symptoms. I went to the doctor's and I even had a fever. She gave me approved meds, the weakest ones out there, but at least it's something. Luckily my rib pain was basically non-existent this week. Not sure how I would have handled a cold and rib pain. 

Gender: GIRL! 

Symptoms: Still a little bit of acne. Not nearly as bad as in first and second trimester though. Overall soreness in my body. I can't do too much or I get tired and achey. But not too much to complain about. 
Wedding rings on or off? Wedding ring is always on. I only wear my engagement ring for special occasions now. 

Happy or moody most of the time? Happy! Looking forward to: I can't wait until I'm over this cold. Being sick and pregnant is no fun, especially when the temps are getting into the 90's here in SoCal.  

All the gifts from the baby shower. {More photos from the baby shower will be in a separate post.} The doggies had to inspect everything. What good brother's they already are.

The six of us. Next time we're all together there will be seven.

Aw, how cute!

The three most important men in my life.

Natchy baby and my baby bump. I hope they get to meet one day!